DMP3 Phantom on all inputs ?


New member
I was just wondering if its dangerous to turn phantom on when you have something plugged in one of the 1/4 inputs (say a guitar); I know phantom is only turned on the xlr inputs but just wanted to be sure.


Wait, so are you agreeing that it is a bad thing? I don't think so... the guitar plugs into a jack that doesn't have the phantom power running out to it. Sure, you wind up with the mic input's ground pulsing energy out to nothing, but whether that will damage the unit or not? I don't think so, but I don't use any of my mic pre's for DI, so I am not entirely sure...
I've gone direct with phantom power on without realizing it. Nothing damaged.
cusebassman said:
Wait, so are you agreeing that it is a bad thing? I don't think so... the guitar plugs into a jack that doesn't have the phantom power running out to it. Sure, you wind up with the mic input's ground pulsing energy out to nothing, but whether that will damage the unit or not? I don't think so, but I don't use any of my mic pre's for DI, so I am not entirely sure...

I think he was telling the guy he was correct about the xlr only thing, so he was saying no it won't hurt.
Thanks for the clarification. I figured as much, but never had it happen, and didn't want to pass along bad advice :)