DIY screamo/punk song. What do you think?


New member
I play in a band and have recorded our first demo. FYI This is a DIY project, we recorded everything in an untreated reharsal room with budget gear. Because of the genre of our music, I don't want nor need a polished sound, it's better off raw and noisy. I have recently finished editing/mixing the first song, and would like to get some feedback.
I'm quite new to recording/mixing but I'm always happy to learn new things and improve my skills, so let me know what you think!

Here is the song: View attachment mirrors_mix_005_m.mp3
I was listening on earbuds, but guitar levels seem to be burying everything else. The crash cymbal is rather harsh, maybe try EQing the drums a bit. Maybe if the guitars came down a hair the vox wouldn't seem so burried. But, vox level seemed low, as did bass. Just my opinion. Don't know if that helps you or not. Not really my style, but seems like it was recorded decsent for the most part.
Yeah. That cymbal is pretty bad. It's kind of got that warbly, bad YouTube compression sound on it.

Your guitar tone does sound good, but it is burying things when it gets louder.

Overall, I think the mix is pretty bad. It's sloppy and plodding, and very few of the instruments actually sound good. I know you said you wanted "raw and noisy," but I don't know man. I think you could do much better than this.
Cymbal is pretty bad.
It's not punk really - there's no energy.
The shouty vocals a creeping towards death metal.
If this were listed as a live recording I'd say it sounded like a small room and that the guitars buried stuff PLUS that band weren't having a good time.
You've made a good start.
Go back & re do it based on the things wrong with this recording - it's what you do!