DIY Input Selector-Distributor Box


New member
Hi there,

I'm new to the forum here.

I'm planning a little mixing/mastering studio in my basement and have come upon a speedbump.

I have a pair of active monitors and a pair of passive monitors with an amp, but I would like to be able to compare my mixes A/B style between the sets of monitors.

What I have envisioned is a box with one set of inputs (L+R) and two sets of outs (I'd like the outs to be xlr or trs); one set going to the active monitors and one going to the amp for the passive, with a selector knob or switch.

I've googled my fingers off and can't find a commercial version of what I'm looking for.

Any ideas?

I dunno if any of these is exactly what you're looking for:
Monitor Management |
but these are several commercial versions of the sort of thing you're talking about. Most of them have extra bells and whistles as compared to what you described, but most of those bells and whistles are things that you might end up finding useful/convenient. As far as a DIY approach, I dunno, but I'm sure someone else might. If you don't get any responses here, try looking in the "DIY, Mods, and Homebrew" forum from the main page.

Or this looks closer to what you were talking about, and for cheaper.
As far as the specific inputs/outputs you wanted, you can always get (or make) some cables with TRS on one end and XLR.
Your project sounds like it could work as long as it doesn't attenuate the volume. I would but it before your power amp going to the passive monitors, and before the input of the active ones.