Distortion when transfering to CD


New member
It's me again...

I've finally been able to produce some good recordings using midi and live trumpet, and they sound good and clean on both MP3 and Wave until I copy to CD (44.1-16 bits).

The volume is slightly lower and the audio is mildly distorted (enough to make it sound bad) on the CD. I've mastered my file to MP3 and Wave before transfer to CD and it doesn't change anything, they both sound the same.

Could it have something to do with my original recording levels being too low or too high? My mixer does not have mic preamps.

Can anyone shed any light on this problem.


PS: Im using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.0
process of elimination

Your cd is just making a copy of the wave file, sounds like some glitch in the burning process or software. I would experiment with a reference, you might toast a cd or two, but all for the sake of learning. Take a pre-recorded cd
and extract a file to your hard drive, then burn it on to a blank cd, if it comes out fine, then you know the problem may be more related to your recording technique.