Distortion during playback prob.


New member
Hello. Maybe you guys can help me with this, I can't figure it out. I've got about 16 tracks for one song. When I solo the vocals, it sounds fine. When I solo the guitars, it sounds fine. However, when I play both guitars and vocals, I can hear some distortion or peaking occuring.. BUT, I used hard limiting at -.5 db on all tracks. Anyone know why I would hear this distortion?
Yeah, if you had it on every individual track, the summing would peak your master fader considerably. Not sure why you're getting distortion based on the information you provided. If you take the limiter off, what does your master fader peak at?
sounds like you just have it turned up too much. The vocals and the guitar combined push the overall signal into clipping zone. Simple thing is to turn it down on the master and then turn up your monitors if you require more volume.

Also i dont do anything to the master track in the mixing stage. that is for mastering

Hope this helps
