Discrimination At Large

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Officially~> Yo-DHA
i honestly thoguht that this s a forum in which people really share their knowledge and help each other. and yea i found it out too to an extent. but after surfing thru a couple of posts, i think people are being really descriminative which i think s the most disgusting thing so far. the reason why im posting this, i saw someone called ' the dewd ' in a post regarding yorkville monitors and its further issues, replyin to each of the queries in a really embarrassing way by descriminating products made in asia. it seems like according to him , that products made in asia are all worthless. and he keeps sayin that way in each of his posts. and using words like 'asian crap' ,'eaten alive by chinese and indians' ..etc. dude, let me ask you one thing how the hell you know that products from asia are such a bad thing to work with? and i ve read some posts in there relating to yorkvilles. many people had trble wit them. and they admit that its cheap. anyone who has a lil bit of common sense could imagine tht cheap products may lack something in their quality. and you think its bad cos its made outside us , or canada? and not that you re only gettin what you ve paid for? ok how many asian products would you say that you ve admitted as good? the products that you use in us are mostly made by companies in china or in other asian countries. like sony, toyota, .. many many more. even after 9/11,the flags for us wer made in china.. how wierd is that? and evrythin else even some small products like high security locks.. ok you might say its something differant. im not being someone who blames it all on us on europe. the thing is you guys dont admit if something gone bad with you. and how dumb this yorkville guys will be to deliver the goods which are made in asia to their customers without even checkin em with these defects? cos they dont have to. they pay for what they re gettin.
it simply proves how clsoed minded, whoever makes comments like that are. and they re blaming it all on the manufacturing in asia. and by the way asia doesnt mean china. ther are others too. and you get a cheap product with high end quality? what is this, magic? it s fairly simple for you to say ok its labeled made in china.. its bad. if the label says made in us or canada, its wonderfull. as i said being closed minded to certain facts makes them see others as "asians" or "indians" etc. why do you always descriminate??
i must say that really was something which i ddnt expect from a forum like this.
i m just expressing myself on that and i ddnt mean to hurt someone.
D-Gravity . . . a kind of interesting post . . . even if seriously difficult to read. Sentences and paragraphs have their uses.

Some contributors to this forum are not keen on Asian and particularly Chinese manufactured products. Their disfavour sometimes derives from the perceived quality issues, and sometimes from a moral stance, i.e. dislike for exploitative work practices or similar.

These reasons are not discriminatory in themselves, and are not bad reasons for rejecting a product in favour of another. What is discriminatory is the blanket condemnation and ill-considered generalisation.

I wonder, though, how universal this moral stance is within those critics, and how well they practice what they preach. Others have noted how ubiquitous Chinese goods are in households these days. This stance cannot be applied selectively; to do so is simple hypocrisy.

For those who hold this position, there is a good chance that the mug from which you are drinking your coffee as you read this is made by the same over-worked, underpaid exploited labour that the Chinese-made microphone you chose not to buy is.

It is also too easy to judge from a cultural perspective, viewing 'evidence' through the unreliable filters of media, hearsay and opinion.

My house and my studio are filled with stuff from all over the place. I have no idea, nor do I really care, where it came from, who made it and how it was made. Perhaps this is a sign of ethical bankruptcy, but at least I'm not using my purchases as a false marker of moral superiority.
gecko zzed said:
D-Gravity . . . a kind of interesting post . . . even if seriously difficult to read. Sentences and paragraphs have their uses.

Some contributors to this forum are not keen on Asian and particularly Chinese manufactured products. Their disfavour sometimes derives from the perceived quality issues, and sometimes from a moral stance, i.e. dislike for exploitative work practices or similar.

These reasons are not discriminatory in themselves, and are not bad reasons for rejecting a product in favour of another. What is discriminatory is the blanket condemnation and ill-considered generalisation.

I wonder, though, how universal this moral stance is within those critics, and how well they practice what they preach. Others have noted how ubiquitous Chinese goods are in households these days. This stance cannot be applied selectively; to do so is simple hypocrisy.

For those who hold this position, there is a good chance that the mug from which you are drinking your coffee as you read this is made by the same over-worked, underpaid exploited labour that the Chinese-made microphone you chose not to buy is.

It is also too easy to judge from a cultural perspective, viewing 'evidence' through the unreliable filters of media, hearsay and opinion.

My house and my studio are filled with stuff from all over the place. I have no idea, nor do I really care, where it came from, who made it and how it was made. Perhaps this is a sign of ethical bankruptcy, but at least I'm not using my purchases as a false marker of moral superiority.

What a pile of affected tosh. Nice use of paragraphs and general punctuation, however...
gecko zzed said:
D-Gravity . . . a kind of interesting post . . . even if seriously difficult to read. Sentences and paragraphs have their uses.

Some contributors to this forum are not keen on Asian and particularly Chinese manufactured products. Their disfavour sometimes derives from the perceived quality issues, and sometimes from a moral stance, i.e. dislike for exploitative work practices or similar.

These reasons are not discriminatory in themselves, and are not bad reasons for rejecting a product in favour of another. What is discriminatory is the blanket condemnation and ill-considered generalisation.

I wonder, though, how universal this moral stance is within those critics, and how well they practice what they preach. Others have noted how ubiquitous Chinese goods are in households these days. This stance cannot be applied selectively; to do so is simple hypocrisy.

For those who hold this position, there is a good chance that the mug from which you are drinking your coffee as you read this is made by the same over-worked, underpaid exploited labour that the Chinese-made microphone you chose not to buy is.

It is also too easy to judge from a cultural perspective, viewing 'evidence' through the unreliable filters of media, hearsay and opinion.

My house and my studio are filled with stuff from all over the place. I have no idea, nor do I really care, where it came from, who made it and how it was made. Perhaps this is a sign of ethical bankruptcy, but at least I'm not using my purchases as a false marker of moral superiority.

hey im sorry for not using sentences and paragraphs correctly and makin it difficult for you guys. i was just xpressing myself as i said and i ddnt really think bout those at that time. i should ve had a thought from your side too. Anyway i hope you got my point and that s what i really wanned, and i think i can convey my points in the matter i feel comfortable with as im not in some kind of essay writing competetion to really care bout my words and paragraph structure. I think i was being a little bit off from the "rules". And i dont think thats a big prob here.
Well anyways sorry for that. Glad to know that you dont care bout the places that manufacturing s done and you dont make this generalisation or descrimination or whatever in these things.
D-Gravity said:
hey im sorry for not using sentences and paragraphs correctly and makin it difficult for you guys. i was just xpressing myself as i said and i ddnt really think bout those at that time. i should ve had a thought from your side too. Anyway i hope you got my point and that s what i really wanned, and i think i can convey my points in the matter i feel comfortable with as im not in some kind of essay writing competetion to really care bout my words and paragraph structure. I think i was being a little bit off from the "rules". And i dont think thats a big prob here.
Well anyways sorry for that. Glad to know that you dont care bout the places that manufacturing s done and you dont make this generalisation or descrimination or whatever in these things.

I don't get how horrible punctuation, sentence, and paragraph structures are considered "expressing" in any way or form.

Does that mean you have so little respect for my time that you don't care how hard it is to read? I guess so. So you know what? I don't bother reading guys who post like you do. You could be the coolest dewd in the world, asking a great question. But with the way you post, there is no way I will read it.

Too bad for you.
Sentenses also generally begin with capital leters, but I see you're working on that. Also the letter "I" when referencing yourself. Hang in there sport!
D-Grav, if you want to see really good examples of musical / recording equipment bias, hang out in the mic forum for a couple of days.

Or go to the Paul Reed Smith guitar forums and check out the comments on PRS' non-American-made models.

This kind of shit is everywhere. But it usually comes down to the "What I bought is the best" syndrome, because for reasons I cannot understand people have to have an emotional investment in the material things they possess.

Take it with a grain of salt, and consider that all these opinions - including mine! - are worth every penny that you are paying to read them. ;)

Oh, and I concur with the comments about punctuation. Please use it! :D
Ford Van said:
Does that mean you have so little respect for my time that you don't care how hard it is to read? I guess so. QUOTE]

Ok. I think I ve explained this in my earlier post. You 'guess' I dont respect your time in reading my posts? and I dont really care about how hard it will be for you to read my posts, even after posting an apology (after realising the first person himself was in trouble reading my posts) ?? So you dont get my point there? I thought I said sorry for how my posts made you difficult to read. You seem like not getting it right. So there s no value for my apology here for whatever 'wrong' I did?? What else do you want me to do to accept that I understand your value of time reading my posts? Well I will say that was the max. I could do.
omtayslick said:
You haven't been around here very long, have you?
Yea I have nt been here for a while....

screminghead said:
Sentenses also generally begin with capital leters, but I see you're working on that. Also the letter "I" when referencing yourself. Hang in there sport!

Yea scream, I m workin on that pretty much. I think I finally ended up realising that if I wanna survive amongst people who think so and who cant take seriousely if I dont use punctuation, in this forum. I ll try to improve on that. The sad thing was only some people got my point (or at least expressed their view as they got it) and the rest was only cared about how my punctuation went wrong... Anyway thanx to you all lighting me up in my English. For the rest who think that I m sayin some crap, I dont really mind what they feel about it(not the physical reading stuff, but the point I made).

I gotta say this again that I m not opposed to anyone or any country or whatever of that sort. I m just sayin what i felt.
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In the interest of helping everyone understand the issue at large I undertook to translate the initial post. Here 'ya go.

I honestly thought that this was a forum in which people really share their knowledge and help each other and to an extent I found this to be true. But after surfing through several posts I came to the conclusion that some individuals are very discriminative, something which I find disgusting.

I am writing this because in a post regarding Yorkville monitors someone with the handle ‘the dewd’ replied to each query in a derogatory and embarrassing fashion simply because the product was made in Asia. According to him, products made in Asia are all worthless, using words like ‘asian crap’, ‘eaten alive by chinese and indians’, etc.

Dude, let me ask you one thing: how in the heck do you know that products from Asia are such a bad thing to work with? I have read posts relating to Yorkville monitors… while many people have had trouble with them and admit that they’re cheap anyone who has a little common sense could imagine that cheap products are somewhat lacking in quality. Just because a product is made outside of the US or Canada isn’t the issue; you’re only getting what you paid for!


The products that you use in the US are mostly made by companies in China or southeast Asia. Products made by Sony, Toyota, and many more… even flags flown after 9/11… were made in China and southeast Asia. How weird is that? Even high security precision locks! Would you say that is different? I am not someone who blames it (the trade imbalance?) all on the US or Europe.


How stupid are Yorkville vendors to deliver goods which have been made in Asia to their customers without even checking the merchandise? Because they don’t have to; people get what they pay for.

It simply proves how closed minded people are who make comments like that. They’re blaming is all on manufacturing in Asia… and by the way Asia doesn’t mean China, there are others too. How can you expect to get a cheap product with high end quality? Magic? It is fairly simple for you to say… ‘O.K., it is labeled made-in-China, it’s bad. If the label says made in the US or Canada is it automatically wonderful?

As I said, being closed minded to certain facts makes them see others as ‘Asians’ or ‘Indians’ etc. Why do you always discriminate? I must say that that was something which I did not expect in a forum like this

I’m just expressing myself and I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings.
wheelema said:
In the interest of helping everyone understand the issue at large I undertook to translate the initial post. Here 'ya go.

Thanx for you help wheelema.. I have much to learn.
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