Direct Guitar Recording


  • Never, that is lame. I mic everything - vocals, guitars, keyboard, drums

    Votes: 63 14.8%
  • Need to mic Drums, Vocals and Lead Guitar

    Votes: 81 19.0%
  • Except Vocals and Lead Guitar, I could plug everything direct

    Votes: 29 6.8%
  • Yes, with a little work I could get a good sound from it

    Votes: 254 59.5%

  • Total voters
little dog,i dont do much live recording so bleed is not a factor for me.valid points just the same.
therage! said:

Nice sound!

Can you get anywhere near the sound your getting just going through the Rocktron? The Rocktron is failrly loaded with effects but I take it the TC is better? Those G Forces are a chunk of change....but maybe the price to pay for good sound.

Do you have the Rocktron Chameleon 2000?

Thanks for the compliment! Actually, the Rocktron Chameleon is f'n awesome for live sounds, but going direct line-in it really needed the TC. I was never really happy with my direct line-in guitar sound until I hooked the Rocktron through the TC. The G-Force is incredible and I recommend it to EVERYONE looking for the best in rackmount guitar effects. I never bypass it, ever.

As for the Rocktron, I thought the Chameleon 2000 sucked. I have the original 1993 black-face Rocktron Chameleon, and I love the unit. I've had other preamps (ADA, Rocktron, Mesa, etc.) and I can honestly say for the music I create, this preamp is the best...for me. Other people will most assuredly disagree :)

Vince LuPone
Guitarist / Songwriter
sheppard said:
its some good playing man but it does lack room reverb and such.
i realy think that the best way to go is a miced tube amp when it comes to yer primary guit sound.
i also think that if you want to go direct that there are cheaper and better sounding ways to do it.i have a zoom 505 ll,which is a
useless pile of shit when it comes to live playing(
it does how ever make a good inline tuner)but the clean compression on this thing is great for direct.i like to do my clean ryths on this thing because the sound cant be achieved thru an amp.i think modelers have a place in the studio,just not the place where a good tube amp should be sitting.


I hate to burst your bubble, but tube amps are not the answer to every guitar problem. My guitar amp sounds just like a tube amp. I had a Hod Rod Deville 2x12 and other than shear volume the Deville does not sound better (or worse) than my DG60FX-112. By the way. Your zoom 505 II may be cheaper than the DG60FX-112 or the DG Stomp but it definately does not sound better.
This isn't hard - direct recording sucks.

it is good for the sake of convenience only. ie..if you live in an apartment or whatever, then by all means get some good direct equipment like Vince seems to have. If you go direct sometimes, but other times are able to blast amps, listen closely to littledog about reamping, and consider the Reamp

Bass sounds a hell of a lot better direct than electric guitar, but even it benefits like a motherfucker when mixed with a mic'd track. Don't kid yourself that direct is as good as micing just because thats how you record all the time for whatever reason. Unless you don't have mics or are sticking them in your ass, they'll beat the hell out of most direct techniques.

btw - this isn't geared toward anyone in particular. I've just been reading more and more defenses of going direct lately, and they're bullshit.


Vurt said:
This isn't hard - direct recording sucks.

it is good for the sake of convenience only. ie..if you live in an apartment or whatever, then by all means get some good direct equipment like Vince seems to have. If you go direct sometimes, but other times are able to blast amps, listen closely to littledog about reamping, and consider the Reamp

Bass sounds a hell of a lot better direct than electric guitar, but even it benefits like a motherfucker when mixed with a mic'd track. Don't kid yourself that direct is as good as micing just because thats how you record all the time for whatever reason. Unless you don't have mics or are sticking them in your ass, they'll beat the hell out of most direct techniques.

btw - this isn't geared toward anyone in particular. I've just been reading more and more defenses of going direct lately, and they're bullshit.



You're likely one of these people that think they're right about everything they comment on and once they've said their "rant" they feel that its non issue correct?? What kind of stuff have you tried recording direct other than bass?? Did the unit have speaker/cabinet sims?? Did they have mic sims..... Don't just dog direct recording cause you have no experience with it.
I record bass direct from the amp into a di box and mix it with a mic'd track all the time. that's the best way I've found to get what I like. Also, asshole, I *do* record direct every once in a while if the situation can benefit from it, and I usually either go through a V-amp, maybe into my Moog from there (sometimes), and other times directly into the direct input on my recorder.

Don't get all huffy because you can't turn up an amp in your apartment and want to justify your recording practices. Open your ears, and fuck off.
Vurt said:
I record bass direct from the amp into a di box and mix it with a mic'd track all the time. that's the best way I've found to get what I like. Also, asshole, I *do* record direct every once in a while if the situation can benefit from it, and I usually either go through a V-amp, maybe into my Moog from there (sometimes), and other times directly into the direct input on my recorder.

Don't get all huffy because you can't turn up an amp in your apartment and want to justify your recording practices. Open your ears, and fuck off.

Dude. You can't even have a decent debate on something without swearing?? I do have the resources to record with mics and I actually own a house. I choose to record with my DG60FX-112 because it has many different amp models and speaker cabinet simulations and it sounds good! Chill.
I've been up each of the past two days/nights working, am running on fumes, and don't have the patience for you - hence the swearing. You were way off base in your initial assessment of me because you took my critisicm personally, and you're apparently deaf. Now please, fuck off.
Vurt, why don't you take your own advice? Let people think it sounds good. Maybe we all are wrong and you have it right. That is no reason to be a dick.

Maybe we aren't all after the same sound that you love, ever think of that? I happen to love the sound of solid state amps.

P.S.: reamping sucks and is only good in an emergency situation. I would waaaay rather get a good direct sound than a reamped sound.

Do we get special award or even a mention if we swear?

Does swearing mean we know more than the others or at least give the aura that we know what we are talking about?

Could the reply with the most swearing be considered the most accurate and informative entry?

Do the really good professional recording engineers swear all the time, like those people in Jerry Springer Show?

Is this thread part of the Jerry Springer Show?

Anybody here from that show?

If not, what is swearing for, other than to show how good/bad our breeding, education, genes, culture, neighborhood, or our day has been?

Need help here..:p
jake-owa said:

P.S.: reamping sucks and is only good in an emergency situation. I would waaaay rather get a good direct sound than a reamped sound.

If you buy a "reamp" it won't. Takes care of the impedence mismatch.
I'm not saying it's useless mind you littledog. I've done it with much sucess but I would only use it as a fix and not as a first sound choice.
Reamping can be tedious, but it gives you all the time in the world to get the sound you might be after long after the band is gone. Hey Tony, get off the bandwagon, why don't you? I curse far less than a lot of people on this board, but happened to be in a crap mood and stood up to someone who attacked me personally because he didn't like my opinion of a recording technique. Pick something to argue about that has some meat to it. Jake's right - I was being a dick, so I can't say much about that. You better come with more than a few cursing examples if you want to question my intelligence and education. these boards are a playground and I'm not here to get a job interview.
"Pick something to argue about that has some meat to it. Jake's right - I was being a dick, so I can't say much about that......these boards are a playground and I'm not here to get a job interview."
Vurt, bravo for your honesty. But I am not here to argue. I started the thread to get information. I am not here to play.... but thank you all for all the information you have given. They are very helpful/insightful.

You are right, it is pathetic when someone attacks you for argument sake. Some are just around the corner waiting for someone to say something they don't agree on, and voila - they jump you!

Pacifica604w said:

I hate to burst your bubble, but tube amps are not the answer to every guitar problem. My guitar amp sounds just like a tube amp. I had a Hod Rod Deville 2x12 and other than shear volume the Deville does not sound better (or worse) than my DG60FX-112. By the way. Your zoom 505 II may be cheaper than the DG60FX-112 or the DG Stomp but it definately does not sound better.
dude,for starters i dont have a bubble.i think you need to read my post again.
if you are happy using an amp modeler,then keep right on using happy with the tube amp sound and will never use anything else for my primary guit sound.i own three and am shopping for a fourth.
Don't waste your time, Sheppard. He's got a chip on his shoulder this size of his amp, and knee-jerk defensive mechanism to match.

Jake, a friend of mine I play with has one of those Tech 21's, and neither of us like it. The xlr out on the back is interesting and I find it usable when mixed with a mic signal, but the real problem we have is with the sound of the speaker itself. It's sooo boxy! We've stopped using it altogether, actually, and have switched to a laney/Ampeg combination.
Thats really strange. I find all the "boxieness" a by product of the mid gain. I love the sound of it but then I've never owned a nice tube amp. I really dig the heavy sounds from the Trademark 10 and my next amp will be the Trademark 60.
a terrified newbie speaks

I'm only just starting out and I have no idea what I should be doing......I just splashed out on a PC & cubase SL so the rest of my equipment is crap and I can't afford to buy more for a long time.
I'm recording guitar. When I use a mic (its not even designed specially for music, its been lying around the house for about 5 years and I don't know where it came from) the sound sounds tinny and pathetic. But when I plug my guitar into a preamp and into my mixer (Behringer eurorack mx602a), ANY distortion comes out of my computer speakers fuzzy. Even if I just put a slight touch of distortion on, theres a reduction in sound quality.
I am a complete beginner who has thrown myself in at the deep end and I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I am also 16 years old and broke so buying more equipment will be a problem, although I know that its inevitable eventually. Any help MUCH appreciated!!!!!!!
Also what is all this about DI boxes? What are they?
One other quick stupid question.....what volume should I be recording at?? I record quite loud at the moment because I find that I can hear what the sound quality and tone is like better....but I have a feeling that this is completely wrong? However, when I record quietly, I have to turn the speakers up loud to hear it and there's loads of hissing in the background! ARGH! Sorry for being a total moron for asking such a stupid question but I really am totally lost. Thank you. If I am in the wrong place please feel free to direct me somewhere else!
DI=direct injection.
It's a box used to change the impedance of a guitar or bass signal and output a optimal recording signal. They are also used to convert unbalanced line level signals to balanced.

Learn to use the search at the top right of the page for simple questions to get you started. Then spend a little time in the newbie section and you'll be all set.:)

try to record such that your peak is somewhere between -6db and just short of 0. i don't know how cubase works, but in sonar i just try to peak where the red starts... i know real technical.

do you have a good guitar and a good amp?

if so, then (get a summer job and) get a better mic, then a better sound card.

if not then (get a summer job and) buy a POD or Tech21 sansamp classic (i use the tech21 when i don't feel like mic'ing the fender hot rod) and a better sound card.

don't be afraid of second hand stores, pawn shops and ebay.