direct guitar plus...


New member
Has anyone tried this? Take a direct recording of a guitar and apply a mic modeler after the fact?

I had an arpeggiated guitar track (from a loop disk) that was pretty colorless, and I got appropriately chided in the clinic for using it. A few of the reviewers said it sounded like it had been recorded direct. Not being much of a guitarist myself, I decided to try to process the part and see if it improved.

I ran the sample through Sound Forge's Acoustic Mirror, modeling a KSM-32 at 6" and a small-d condensor (I forget the model #) at 24" - it was magical! Really made the track come alive. EQ alone was a little odd, but it sat in the mix perfectly. Huge improvement.

I didn't really expect it to work, so I was really surprised when it did.

Anyone else? Do you record direct and then apply modeling?

Not as a matter of practice but I have tried it a few times in the past. If I had a Reamp setup, I'm sure I'd do it more. Now impedence matching makes it a non starter for me.