Digitech VTP1 Tube Mic Pre and VCS1 Compressor


New member
I haven't seen much on here about the Digitech (IVL Technologies) VTP1 and VCS1 tube mic pre and compressor. I know they got some good press while they were out, and there were several mods and tube recommendations for them that made them really shine.

Anyone care to share their experiences with these units, good or bad? I used to have the pre and had great luck with it for vocals and bass guitar, but never had any mods done. I should be able to get some of the mod info from a friend of mine that had one done, so I'll post that in a day or so.

Also, if anyone has either of these in really good shape (and fully functional), I wouldn't mind adding them back into my stash.

Hi, I use both these devices all the time. I did not have any mods done to it but they sound fantastic as is.

Even though its IVL most people see the Digitech and dismiss it immediately. IVL technologies which designed and built these units are the real deal. Digitech only marketed them I brought the compressor new and used it for years. I got it new for about $750.00 but it was just out. It was by far the best compressor I've used and I have alot of them. I then bought the preamp on ebay for $250.00 which was a steal. Put these 2 together and the sound is huge.

I consider these 2 units my secret weapon. They are both completely stock. They are not Avalon or Manley obviously, but they sure work great for me.

Whats funny is that I read all of the audio publications, and you would be surprized how many times I saw pictures of these units in the racks racks of pretty famous musicians and producers (Right next to their Manley and the other holy grails that I aspire to. ). I consider it one of the most unknown and underrated set of devices that has been produced in the last 10 years.

Anyway this is all just my opinion.
VTP-1/VCS-1 Mods????

I absolutely agree about these units....I have both (got them shipped to Australia), and use them all the time...I love them both..(especially the VTP-1)....I have no idea why they seem to get a bum rap so often....I guess people just parrot opinions without actually trying the units...also I guess it's not a groovy brand!!....I'm very interested in the mods you mentioned Neelix...any more info?...Cheers