Digital Interface question


New member
I've been looking for a quality 2-channel digital interface so I can record my music onto my computer without it sounding like it was done on a Fisher Price tape deck and I thought I'd ask the room for recommendations. I've had my eye on the Alesis IO2 and I've read reviews of it but I seem to be having trouble locating much literature, good or bad, on anything else.

Anyone have any thoughts?
I like the Fast Track Pro and Line6 UX2. I'm also a fan of Zoom H4n, which is a 2 channel digital interface *and* a 4 track standalone digital recorder with built in stereo mics. Those are my best suggestions. I'd say if you are mainly an electric guitarist, get the UX2. If you want to have the ability to travel, record things without a computer, and record a variety of sources, consider the H4n. If you just want into the computer, the Fast Track works very well. Best of luck-Richie