Digital Console


New member
Does anyone know of any good Digital Consoles that can plug in via optical connection that can take in inputs from external sources and mix like a mixer controller [e.g.: mixing in Sonar with the mixer] that is not too expensive. Im not looking for SSL[WAAAAAY to pricey], but I want something that sounds good enough to do commercial recordings for vocals.
haarisa said:
but I want something that sounds good enough to do commercial recordings for vocals.
Everything --- or almost everything --- sounds good enough to do commercial recordings for vocals these days.

If all you want to do is control levels in Sonar, one of these would fill the bill, and as far as getting smooth vocals into Sonar, I recommend this.

This combination will set you back $500. My challenge to you is to come up with an SSL that sounds more than 5% better in a final mix if you use these properly...

It depends on your buget. You can get a Tascam DM 3200 for around three grand. A used tascam TM-D8000 for $2400 and a variety of other things. I would recomend like ssscientist recomended, a pre amp of highish quality and an external control surface that deals with mixing only. Theres a billion different ways to do these things.
I personally would avoid the Tascam digital boards. They have been known to be somewhat flaky and seem to not be built too well. Not only that, but personally I find the yamaha's (especially the newer ones) to sound MUCH better. The Tascams don't really sound bad (well the older TM-D's do in my opinion) but just don't seem to be as solid overall as the yamaha lineup. As to the DM3200 specifically, I can not say too much about it because I have very little time with it. The faders still seem to be an issue though. Also, If for some ungodly reason you should decide to go for a Tascam TM-D8000, they can be had for as little as $400-$600. $2400 sounds very steep and could get you a Mackie D8B system, and in the not to far away future, can probably get you a Sony DMR100.
I opted to go analoug over the digital boards anyway but the Sony DMR100 is a very sweet board, I've only worked with one a handful of times but that board is worth the price in my opinion. I found one going for 7 grand but you could probally find a better deal on one.
well, i like ssscientist idea best.

but lets not forget the yamaha O1V, can be grabbed for $400-700 if you look hard enough. they're great boards. i use them all the time when i do live sound for my boss's band. my boss uses one in his recording setup too. yes he is nuts, he has to have two of them....

but IMO, they are great. all onboard compressors, verb, effects, EVERYTHING. they even have a signal generator, which i like to play with ;)
I have seen the Sony's for abut $5k now, and still plummeting. There were some definate issues with them (latencies and delays) but sonically they sound pretty darned good. Much better than a Mackie D8B or a Tascam, but not really much more so than the newer yamaha's. I really dig the yamaha's ( I recently added a 01v96 to my inventory, but have also worked with the 02R, DM1000, DM2000, M7CL and the PM5D). One thing I have noticed is that the newer yamaha's sound worlds better than the older ones. That is one big reason why the older yamaha's sell for so cheap right now. You can get an older 02R for well under $1000 now, but newer ones still fetch $6k to $8k.