digital audio recording problem


New member
Hey there. I just recently got a Yamaha 01v and am trying to connect its digital coaxial i/o to my delta 1010 i/o so I can record eveyrthing digitally onto my hard drive. I think I have everything sync'd up correctly but am getting clicks and pops in the audio files that I record. I am using the Yamaha as the master and delta 1010 as the slave.

Does anyone know any settings or anything that I may have missed when I was setting this all up. What are the usually sources for crackles and clicks when recording digitally. I appreciate the help.


PIII 1000 512 MB RAM running Windows 2000
2 20 gig SCSI drives
M-Audio delta 1010 running latest multiclient drivers
Yamaha 01v
Cubase VST 32
Wavelab 3
Uhm.... I have had problems with clicks and stuff very often.... My problem always were just the settings of the recorder program... Most of time you can for example choose between "Blabla Soundcart Blabla" and "Blabla Soundcart Direct X" and "Blabla Direct X" ..... Just play with these settings..... This could be your problem.....

I hope you can fix your problem....

That question could have been better to post in the Computer Recording forum which I am normally in. This type of problem is normally the result of having your buffer settings set too low in your audio software. Try turning the bufers up a little. trial and error is the only way really.
Alchemist3k said:
That question could have been better to post in the Computer Recording forum which I am normally in. This type of problem is normally the result of having your buffer settings set too low in your audio software. Try turning the bufers up a little. trial and error is the only way really.

Computer recording forum? What is the URL?