different ways to organize gear


New member
I was wondering about different ways to store and organize instrument cables,patch cables,midi cables, headphones,pop screens ect. I'm sure there is a lot of interesting and new ways to keep all of our hard won gear and accessaries handy and well displayed.I have so many cables and boxes and stuff.

How do you keep up with your gear?

Its not easy. The other night i took all of the cables I use periodically and organized them by cable type. I bought one of thoose platic storage thingy's from IKEA. Personally if I'm not one to keep my gear on 'display'. If its not being used, I keep it safely tucked away. A friend of mine has a fairly good setup at his house. He has a an old U-87 Mic that he keeps out on the stand at all times. I know he does this for the cream factor. He wants people to be like " WOW a U-87!!!!!" - how pretentious. The problem I have with keeping gear that is not in use out, especially Mic's, is the dust factor. I may be wrong, but if the mic is not being used it sghould be in its case. The same goes for my guitars. I am somewhat anal about this...I have covers for my monitors, computer, keyboards and mixer. Better safe than sorry. After all, like you said this is our 'hard won gear'........(All right, I'll admit it....if I know some people will be over I set the whole place up, lights flashing everywhere, mics on stands, guitars out of cases.....lol)
I'm just building a new mic / cable cupboard (again)
After having build a whole bunch of them, I've arrived at the perfect formula:
The back is made from heavy duty 1/4" pegboard, in which clip a bunch of chrome steel cable hangers.
The front has double doors. The top has a hinged lid giving access to microphone storage. Thats for all the 'normal' mics. Expensive ones are in a steel cabinet in the machine room, apart from a couple of tube mics which are always out, because they are always on.
Yea Gargamel I am worried about dust too,but I do like to have my gear in a semi set-up state so I can start rolling fairly quick.I like the Idea of the cable organizer that your using.I'm not anal retintive or anything I just can't stand things all over the place and mismatched.Do you color code your patch cables and other cables on both ends?Hey I guess I am anal.

Sjoko2, That is a very cool idea.I think I might do that too.I use a peg board with guitar hangers on it to hold my Dobro,Twelve string and my accustc 6 string but I never thought about a closed cupboard with a lid for mics.Very cool. thanks.

I'm trying to figure out how I can work in some wax paper in the studio set-up. lol .. just kidding. wait a minute,.. WAX PAPER? hummmm.

Studio: I got yards and yards of that split corrugated plastic tubing, various diameters: 3/4", 1", 1 1/2" etc. Just split the tubing, insert your cables, cord, etc. and it keeps them out from underfoot. Cleans up the whole floor area actually.

On the Road: I built two(2) cases, from 5/8" plywood. Both are approx. 24" x 18" x 10" deep. Used metal drywall edging on all sides and added luggage corners. You wouldn't know them from Anvil cases to be honest. I pack for keys and two guitars, in addition to mics, so I move a fair bit of gear when we gig.

I wasn't too sure if you were referring to studio or road gear...
Anyhoo...that's how the old guy does it!!
Great, Old Guy.

I have tried to find that corragated tubing,I've tried Home Depot and Lowes.Where might I find some of that?

You might also try automotive parts.
I'm in Canada, so I know Canadian Tire has it.
Virtually any well stocked hardware outlet should have it, or be able to steer you towards it.
Good Luck...