Did something super stupid


New member
Did something super stupid

I did my first 4 track on a DP-008, 2 tracks at a time. I was super pleased witht the way it came out. I replayed it about 50 times.

As I was playing it back, I played around with some of the individual track settings and also the master volume.

I wanted to cut out the last 10 seconds of the song.

I stopped the recording at the cut point.

I then saved it using a different file name thinking I was doing a save as and the old version would still be there. Should have used copy. Unfortunately I turned the unit off and on so the history was lost.

New version still has the last 10 seconds of the song I wanted to delete. However, it also has whatever level settings I had on last playback. These were not the good settings. The key element is the master volume and for some reason on this messed up version master volume is maxed. Maybe the settings I want to change are indiviudal volume and pan for certain tracks. Not certain.

If I export to DAW will I be able to make adjustments to get it back to what I had?
Does resaving a file effect Master Vol - make it lower?
I read about copy and paste but what is the quick way to delete the end part of a song?