Did my MP3 converter destroy this song?

There is absolutely nothing about this that bugs me. It's hard to tell how it really is sonically from the stream...what bitrate does your page stream?

At any rate, I had to post to let you know that it's tunes and performances like yours that keep me coming back to the mp3 clinic in the hopes of stumbling across greatness. If every tune I heard sucked, that would get old, and if every tune was brilliant, that would be frustrating as well...it's like golf to me - it's that one tune out of 50 that just hits me right between the shoulder blades that keeps me coming back. It's just REALLY REALLY right up my alley.

Your voice reminds me of either Ryan Adams or the guy that sang for Toad The Wet Sprocket, or maybe both, but at any rate, I'm very seriously impressed. I like everything about it...the sparse arrangement, the fact that it's too long for radio, your ability to sing in pitch and with actual emotion without coming off like a pouting sap...man, nice freaking job.

You live in Mansfield, eh? There's another board member ("Tmix") that lives close to you. In fact, we all have plans to meet up sometime next week at a coffeehouse that's opening in Fort Worth where my daughter and I are playing. Quite a few cowtowners around here.

I can't say enough nice things about this tune...I don't usually gush. If there's a place where I can download it at a higher bitrate, I might be able to be more helpful
Chris, talk about making my day! I've listened to your music page over and over again man! My wife refuses to listen to your daughter any more (out of shear jealousy.) I don't want to invite myself, but if there's extra listening room I would love to come out and here you! Also, I play at a coffee shop in Mansfield quite often and I'm sure I could get you a gig there as well. I will try and upload a better version, and thanks for listening man, it really means a lot.


(let me know about the coffee shop thing)

I hope Chris doesnt get pissed about this, but he actually IM'ed me to listen to this song. Dude, you have no idea what it is to have Chris to recomend a song. Really. Its like Impressing Simon Cowell on American Idol..Im also a fellow cowtowner and this is right up my alley. Its great. I love it. You definetly have to get some more songs on your page. Its great. This song was written so perfectly. Right down to the right syllables going with the right note. I cant say enough. I do hope you know I will be learning this song. sorry..too bad. I have too. :) I gotta hear more. Keep em' comin'

Hey Rafe!

It is good to hear you! My internet connection (at home) is so pitiful, I can't listen to music until I run up to work.

Chris gave me the heads up on your tune.
I don't know if you remember me or not but you came over one day earlier this year and visited my studio,... we talked a bunch anyway!

You ought to come to the coffehouse when we all go, it would be a blast. I am bringing my son.

I'll give you a critique on you song when I get to work.
Remember the offer is still open to track at my place anytime you need extra hands.
That goes for you too Chris, if you are ever in the area.

Tom (T-Mix)
tmix said:
Hey Rafe!

It is good to hear you! My internet connection (at home) is so pitiful, I can't listen to music until I run up to work.

Chris gave me the heads up on your tune.
I don't know if you remember me or not but you came over one day earlier this year and visited my studio,... we talked a bunch anyway!

You ought to come to the coffehouse when we all go, it would be a blast. I am bringing my son.

I'll give you a critique on you song when I get to work.
Remember the offer is still open to track at my place anytime you need extra hands.
That goes for you too Chris, if you are ever in the area.

Tom (T-Mix)
Of course I remember you! I had a blast and your a heck of a nice guy. Sorry I haven't stayed in better contact, but with the wedding i lost track of just about everything. E-mail me and let me know the night of the coffee shop gig and i will do my dangdest to be there.
See you guys
Wow! I have nothing to add that these guys haven't already said, but I really dig the song. I want to hear more of your stuff...keep it up.
chrisharris said:
Oops...I accidentally posted in this thread and bumped it to the top of the page. I'm really sorry about that.

yeah, shame on you for that, mr. harris. ;)