Did I fix my Compression Problem?


10lbs.of sh*t in 5lb.BAG
OK,for those who heard that terriblely overcompressed version of Sinew In You,I humbly appologize.Anyway,the new version is up.I'm keeping the vox the way it is.I don't want it in front of the mix.


Comments welcome... :D
Yep. Sounds fixed to me. The cymbals, hi-hat especially, aren't as predominant in the mix though. Doesn't bother me, but thought it was worth pointing out.

(love that ending:D)
Thanx fprod!!!!The Huh! at the end just felt right.I'm still experimenting with FruityLoops and haven't gotten a perfect formula down yet...mostly cuz I can't remember what I id from project to project...too burnt.
I think so but your mids sound is still over hyped to my ears.

I like the sound, your singer reminds me of Ozzy in his delivery. If you want that sound more then increase the compression and roll off more of the low-end from his voice.

What are you mastering with? It still sounds a little 'hot' to my ears and gives me that head-achey thing.

Nice sound though!

:) Q.
Bump to save the clinic.

[edit] - You vocal sounds damned good... I mean, I honestly don't know how it is "sonically," I guess (headphones), but your in key and strong and, well, I just think it's a good track.

cymbals still sound phasey...(sorry)...but it really sounds like more of an mp3 thing to me.

[one more edit] somebody dinged this at 4 in the fucking morning... Who the fuck hates at 4 am?
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This is a killer hook. The song is WAYYYYY too short for me.

The mix needs to come out a bit I think, it's got a tight heavy sound to it (this is good), but it could use a bit of air. The hihat is the only thing going on in the high end and it's too loud.

"I'm a mute popsicle" lol, that get's funnier every time.
Harris-Thanx for the bump to save the clinic.Between 5 Star bandit,1 Star Bandit, Supercritic, Newbie Mania and the ridiculous drstawl flame war, I was giving up hope on this clinic being something worth my constant attention.Your all over this BBS and admire the time you take to post everywhere.You get on my nerves sometimes but in a good way.You keep it interesting and your a fine musician,thanx for your honesty and comments.The phasey cymbals are probobly my samples,what you get for free is often sub-par.4am haters are 3:45am masterbaters.Angry that they're whackin it to internet porn and when the guilt gets them,they lash out.Funny cuz that's kinda what the song is about...hmmm

Qwerty-hmmm..where did you get your name from...I wonder.Touchy subject indeed...Anyway,The "singer" is me ,as well as all the rest.I'm just a lonely Homerecer,(sigh)...Mastering with db-Audioware.It's cool but it ain't WAVES,ya dig?Sorry to give you a brain dart but I have shitty computer speakers and no monitors.I make do with my limited time and money.I'll see about that mid-rangey thing.Thanxs for the listen...

Doug H-It's "Meat" Popsicle,BTW.Yea, it always makes me smile ,too.From the movie Fifth Element(Bruce Willis,Mila Jovovich).Glad you likied it.It was just somethin g I threw together for lack of current projects,A problem that I certainly don't have now,way too much now.Short and to the point is my currently tapped vien.I have two songs in the works that are both under 1:30.I simply suck at EQing.I don't have the time to mess with the darned thing.Shit keeps getting backed up and remixing is often put off for recording.There are only so many hours in the week.Thanx for the ear time and comments,glad you likes it...

drums are awesome..theycould be chunkier ..but sound great ..
vocals need to stand out more ....i dunno its not the levels...like the whole thing is kinda missing highs ...you can sing tho HOLY CRAP!!!..sweet.

like on the very end..the lastlittle guitar and drums fill..it sounds like its all lows and mids...???...

is it just me??...thats certainly a possibility!..lol

I just realized this is the second time I listened to this. For the life of me I can't figure why I didn't post. Musta been when the wife had to make one of her "emergency" two hour phone calls! Anyways........this is good stuff! Well mixed and very clean to my ears. Only one complaint...Dude you gotta let this one rip, it's way too short!

I can't wait to hear the vox you do for our collab. Your voice sounds like Ozzie meets Page Hamilton. sweet.