DI with POD?


New member
I hadn't used my POD xt for months cuz it sounded like crap until the recent update. After downloading it i went back and scanned the manual and noticed that in the recording scenearios L6 reccomends going guitar => DI => DAW => POD. I've been going => guitar => POD => DAW.

Is there a reason for this other than having a dry signal recorded to process later? Will the sound quality improve?
hookiefree said:
Is there a reason for this other than having a dry signal recorded to process later? Will the sound quality improve?

No and it will probably be a little bit worse since the Pod is meant to accept a guitar level signal on the input.
The advantage is that you can pick your guitar tone later, after everything else is done. That way you can choose the appropriate sound for the song instead of the one that sounds great by itself.