DI from power amp?


New member
I've been looking for a way to get a line out from my plexi.... I have a berhinger D.I. box and it mentions that I could use it to tap the output of the power amp, but it doesn't mention how this is done, really...

see section 2.4 of this http://www.behringerdownload.de/DI100/DI100_ENG_Rev_F.zip

It says that it can handle up to 3000W - I'm assuming that your run the speaker output into the D.I. and run the LINK to the speaker cabinet...

Has anyone ever done something like this? It seems there could be some serious impedence mismatches...

What is the proper way to do something like this....

I have been wanting to put a Fender Stlye PREAMP OUT and POWERAMP IN on my plexi so I can use it as a preamp and record at lower volumes. Sdly I can't find a "pure tube" schematic for this.

Perhaps a D.I. and a resistive (silent) load would do the trick for now?

Inputs, please!!

I have this DI and have used the speaker connection method described with tube amps.

I think its very high impedence so your amplifier doesnt really 'see it' as a load.

It works OK but doesn't really sound that great.
The speaker cabinet is a big part of the sound. Running a DI from a tube amp without a cabinet simulator is going to sound terrible.
savageblues said:
I have this DI and have used the speaker connection method described with tube amps.

I think its very high impedence so your amplifier doesnt really 'see it' as a load.

It works OK but doesn't really sound that great.

So, is that they way to do it - use the link function? I'll be moving seen and need some options for the moment....
I've got a box called the junction made by palmer that goes between amp & speaker & it gives an awesome sound from the power amp to the desk
the DI is basically being used to pad down the speaker output to line level. Some pro audio equip such as powered subwoofers will have a feature like this built in. Does it sound good? probably not. This would be more useful in a live situation to keep stage volumes down. by tapping into this level to run through an in ear monitor mix or something
Get a THD HotPlate. Its two in one. Both a speaker attenuator for running your amp full power and stuill being able to mic the speakers in an apartment, and also a dummyload with a DI output.