DGX 300 pricing

Karel Lootens

New member

ok, I know i've been bugging you folks too many times already, and this is my final query... promise :) anything further should be at least an attempt to "productive"

would 325 euros for a DGX 300 be a fair price?
i've been looking around the net for a decent keyboard and just missed out on a dgx 200 for sale, this one is 75 euros more expensive, but it is more flexible because it has updatable styles (diskette drive).

is it worth the extra 75? or better the 325? I'm going to use it as a main instrument to compose music on and to try my ideas out. No live performance any time soon :)
When composing your own music some way to store the songs you write is of paramount importance.

If the model you are considering has a disk drive I would advise you to get it.
yep, it does, that was the main reason I missed out on the 200. I was hesitating because it didn't have anything (except for midi interface off course) to store songs or styles. and by the time I considered it to be of lesser importance because that was possible using the midi interface as well I was too late, but lucky enough to find this deal!!

I'm picking it up on monday btw... can't wait...