Determining equipment value?


New member
My band has broken up (amicably, thank god). As a band, we own a PA system. It was originally purchased by each of us chipping in an equal share, so it is truly equally owned. We would like to determine how much the equipment is worth, so that we can provide everyone the option of buying the other members out of their share, instead of just selling it and splitting the proceeds.

Ordinarily, I use eBay to determine current market values. This is okay for the speakers (EV Eliminators, a fairly common PA speaker), but I cannot find the powered board (EV PSX1000) on eBay at all. I also can't find any for sale used, and therefore have no way of figuring out how much it has depreciated over the last four years.

Is there a standard reference that I can consult for this kind of thing? Or does anyone have any other suggestions on how we might come to a fair value for this stuff?
If you wanna sell the gear to one of the other bandmembers:
post a fictiv auction on ebay under a different name with the stuff in it, and ask for a real high bid. Now make up several fake persons bidding lots and lots more than asked. Show this auction to that bandmember.

If you wanna buy the gear yourself:
See above, but with freaking low bids.
Wow, you band broke up on good terms? That might be a first. I wish I could get back some of the money I put into equipment that took a walk when any of my bands went down. Most of the time, the person that payed the least (if any.....why do singers feel they shouldn't pay for anything or ever work a day in thier lives?) got the gear thru underhanded ways.:eek:
Why not just have the band members bid on it in an open bidding process. The person with the highest bid buys it and the proceeds are split equally among the other members. If you do it that way, everyone will have paid/received what they feel is a fair price (otherwise they would have bid differently).