Desperado Cover


New member
With my acquisition (finally) of a korg sp200, this is my first finished song on it. I've been playing this cover for about 3 years, and I guess it's about time I recorded it. Comments on both performance and engineering are welcome.
Thank you very much!
^scroll down to the music player and press play, althoug I think everyone here is smart enough to figure that out on their own.

I like the song. I would cover it too, but I'm too lazy :D

The vocals don't fit right in the recording. There just something that's off about them. The piano playing is great, but the piano don't sound as amazing as I'm sure it could.

The following track, 3 minutes, was more interesting and sounded much more natural.
With my acquisition (finally) of a korg sp200, this is my first finished song on it. I've been playing this cover for about 3 years, and I guess it's about time I recorded it. Comments on both performance and engineering are welcome.
Thank you very much!
^scroll down to the music player and press play, althoug I think everyone here is smart enough to figure that out on their own.


Nice cover. I think it lacks in dynamics. Needs more shimmer on the piano and vox. Is the piano real? It sounds real, but it might just be the mix.
I like the song. I would cover it too, but I'm too lazy :D

The vocals don't fit right in the recording. There just something that's off about them. The piano playing is great, but the piano don't sound as amazing as I'm sure it could.

The following track, 3 minutes, was more interesting and sounded much more natural.

I agree that 3 minutes sounds more full.
The piano is a korg sp200, not acoustic, but the sounds are great. I'm working on reaching its full potential, but since I only recently got it, I haven't had much time to explore it yet.

It's funny that you both say that about "3 Minutes" because in that recording, I tracked the guitar and vox seperately in order to edit them more, but in the end decided not to add any effects at all. Both those tracks are raw, with only leveling going on.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!
Nice piano playing. :)

The vocals are a little buried through most of the song. Maybe double track the vocals for the chorus. A little verb or a little delay to the vocals should do the trick.
The piano is a korg sp200, not acoustic, but the sounds are great. I'm working on reaching its full potential, but since I only recently got it, I haven't had much time to explore it yet.

It's funny that you both say that about "3 Minutes" because in that recording, I tracked the guitar and vox seperately in order to edit them more, but in the end decided not to add any effects at all. Both those tracks are raw, with only leveling going on.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

You should keep doing that because it's obviously not working to track it all together. You wont be able to add a different type of shine to either if it's needed. Unless you track them separately.
Wow - you take on one of the most recognizeable songs of the past few decades.... And you did a great job!!!!
