Desert Island Pedal Board

This popped up in my YouTube feed this morning:

What would be on your Desert Island Pedal Board? You're allowed 4 pedals.
I recon that the guys in the video have cheated a bit 'cos they've got pedals with multiple buttons. I recon we should be allowed 4 single button pedals!

I would have the following:

Fuck - I've got this far and realised that I actually need to give it some thought and I'm busy at the moment.
Are there any indigenous people on this island that might wanna steal my gear and cook me in a big pot?

Unlikely, have you never heard Desert Island Disks on BBC Radio 4? Even if they were there, they'd probably hail you as a god and worship your plexi tone.
Unlikely, have you never heard Desert Island Disks on BBC Radio 4? Even if they were there, they'd probably hail you as a god and worship your plexi tone.

Okay. I ask because it's important. If I'm fighting off savages, I'd like to have gigantic big box pedals to bash their heads in with. If there are no savages then I can choose more standard sized pedals.
I think I'd go for:

A boost of some description, either an SD1, possible one of them Church of Tone things or a TubeScreamer - would an EchoPlex work in this context.
A Fulltone PlimSoul
A Boss Chorus - 'cos its simple, great and I like Chorus (it doesn't have that flangy sound that the Small Clone has)
A TC delay and looper (would be handy to have a looper if you're on your own on an island)

There's so many fancy chorus pedals and cool artsy boxes with cool names about but I'm yet to find one that I think sounds better than the basic Boss Super Chorus
Tube screamer
tap-a-whirl (tremolo)
Eventide H9 (delay plus other things)
Empress paraEQ (also has a boost)


Electro harmonix cathedral reverb
Wampler Velvet Fuzz
TC Hall of Fame reverb
Boss DM-3 delay
Xotic EP Booster

This is assuming that I can have the amp of my choice as well. If I'm stuck with only my Fender champ then that might change a little bit...
I wouldn't have any pedals. My legs and feet would be too busy pedaling my bicycle powered generator powering my fender vibrochamp.
You're probably right. :D Hey, sometimes it feels like I'm on a deserted island. Why the hell would I come to this insane, dysfunctional forum if not for some company. Hahaha.
I'd use the caveat that on your desert island you'd get away with a solar powered clip on tuner otherwise we're talking about a 3 pedal board!

Well shoot... My answer was going to be "tuner, big muff (or similar) and backup copy of each"
If I have a clip on tuner... I guess Big muff equivalent... and 3 backup big muff equivalents. Maybe 3 BMEs and a tuning pedal in case the clip-on goes out.
I was just meandering around YouTube and got sidetracked into some videos of the EH POG2, and I think I can say with a great deal of certainty that this definitely WOULDN'T be on my desert island pedal board.
If you are there it's not deserted. If it's a desert island, without an oasis or similar fresh water source, you'll be there but not THERE for long.
Pedals? Hmmm, the most oft used one for me is the BDI21 after which it would be the Jimi Hendrix Dunlop Wah but neither are connected to guitar or amp anywhere near approaching regularly.
Delay, compressor for bass, tuner. It's about all I use and I've got a closet full of pedals. Since I get a fourth, I guess some kind a boost, maybe the Bogner Blue.