depth of wall between CR and Live room


New member
Dear forum,
I'm looking at a couple of designs for this wall, you know, the one behind the board with the double window in the middle...
#1. drywall,drywall,insolation,drywall,air,drywall, insolation,drywall,drywall.
#2. drywall,drywall,insolation woven thru staggered studs,drywall,drywall.

#1. ends up around 8" deep and about 14" deep.

Does anyone have any advice as to which would be better. I'm thinking that #2. might not be as soundproof as I need it to be. But if anyone could offer any other layer combinations it would be much appreciated.
Thank-you, Craig. is a superb source for wall construction.I used Malcolms building ideas and my drum room works great.I don't even have any insulation in the walls yet. My walls Control room side - 18mm MDF (essential cos it heavy and rigid)single layer at present, air gap of 360mm then inner room frame 4by2" timber with two layers 12.5mm drywall on outside of frame, staggered caulked. Drums knock out 123 dB I'm reading about 68 dB outside the MDF wall. The other walls are the same contruction for inner room 4 by 2 studding etc but have 8" air gap then 100mm brick dB meter reads about 62dB which is much the same as background noise so I'm happy.

Control room/booth is next project. Good luck with the building.Let us know what you go for.