Demo versions of Cubase & Sonar


New member
The versions you can download, I mean. Are they functional enough to allow you to decide which programme you prefer? Are they the same as the version you get bundled in an interface purchase?

It takes months to learn a recording app in and out. Any disabled features might mask a problem that you'll run into when running the full version.

Do you know about Reaper?
Reilley said:
The versions you can download, I mean. Are they functional enough to allow you to decide which programme you prefer? Are they the same as the version you get bundled in an interface purchase?


The bundled version is often a light or "LE" version. Limited tracks perhaps, but you will get the idea.

The demos should be more than enough to make a good decision. It will take a day tops, you will either like one or the other.
They are good enough to expose you to the workflow, and that's what matters. You won't get a detailed up-to-the-minute version, but unless you're horribly stupid you can always get info from the manufacturers website or go to the bookstore and sit down in the cafe, drink a cuppa joe and read through the latest books on both (I did).

I chose between Cubase and Sonar from the demo links at and it worked for me.
TimOBrien said:
but unless you're horribly stupid

Depends who you ask...... :<)

Thanks for the answers. The demos will be good enough, that's good. Now I won't worry about what software is bundled with the interface.

I am aware of Reaper.