Demo of bands song


New member
No vocals in it, recorded each istrument in one take, maybe spent an hour mixing it. Any suggestions? I feel that our lower end needs some work, but thats probably due to the speakers we mixed on were not proper speakers they had very big low end they were part of a 6 cd changer/tape player/ radio thing.

It is, as you might have guessed, called "Demo."
for a 'demo' especially I think it's done real well. you can tell the bass is there but it isn't just your normal 'lets follow the guitarist' bassline so it should probably be more present in the mix. good song, though.

thats my 2 cents.
Thanks. Yea we just recorded this real quick last night during the intermissions of the sabres game and then mixed it afterwards on speakers that many audiophiles would probably slap me for using.

I need some proper monitors.

And thanks for the compliment on the song, its just about 1/2 of it, we just wanted to test our recording skills because we will be recording our CD ourselves in about 2 months. We figured we would record and mix, and then have a professional master it for us.