delta 44 with more inputs


New member
hey all, heres my deal, i want to be able to record a drum set, i have pro tools m-powered 7.4 with the audiphile 24/96. only RCA ins. I can record drums (real cymbals + midi drums, i have to tracks recording simultaneously) but i want to record real drums. So i have a Behringer UB2222FX Pro 22 Input Mixer. Out of the mixer's 8 outputs i want to run them into something like the delta 44 but with 8 inputs only and no outputs, because i am trying to record 8 simultaneously inputs at once. I would love to look for something that would also have Midi/-spdifI no there is the fast track ultra 8r, i dont have $500 to spend and i am looking for something cheaper, once the tracks are recorded into pro tools i understand i will not have any control over them through the mixer once they are recorded. and that is totaly fine with me.

any suggestions if there is possibly a PCI card or USB driven device that's out there? i've looked but dont seem to have any luck.

i did by hardware for m-powered, but i want to upgrade and i am going to by m-powered or even LE, any suggestions thou on to what i could buy with 8 inputs that record simultaneously?

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