delta option?


New member
hey all,

after a couple years of trudging along with my apex 415 to art tube mp to maudio 2496, I've upgraded the pre to an A designs Pacifica. I need some A/D conversion to tie me over until I can get the apogee, benchmark, etc.

I need at least two balanced ins (preferrably XLR, TRS will do) and I know nothing cheap is gonna do the A designs justice but I can't swing another grand right now for pro quality A/D conversion.

I keep coming back to the Delta 44. Is this the best option at this price point?

thanks guys

I doubt if that would work with the 2496. The 44 pci card connects to the breakout box via a d-sub connection which the 2496 doesn't have.

I would just buy a complete 44 if I were you, either new or second hand. You'll have no trouble selling it again when you want to upgrade
The audiophile 192 is newer, and reputed to have better converters than the 24/96 and the delta 44. It also has TRS balanced inputs.