delta 1010


New member
Parting tis such sweet sorrow.

Ive upgraded to mytek and EMU and so its time to bid my beloved 1010 farewell. For those who have been living under a rock these past 3-4 years, the delta 1010 is the most stable 10 in 10 out card on the planet. I cant think of one piece of software it did not click with instantaneously. Also the converters are excellent sounding. Still.

Its in perfect condition and its yours for $400.

Paypal or check, once it clears.
Can you do $300? And this is the 24/96 version, right? I imagine shipping wouldn't be more than like $20?
not to speak for senor pilgrim, but these things regularly go in the $500+ range on ebay and are usually around $700+ new.

so.....$400 is a pretty smokin price......if that cash weren't already allocated elsewhere, i'd already have snagged this b/c i could really use another 1010 at such a great price.

You haven't been watching 1010's on eBay lately then have you?
I've seen the go from $250-$350, $400 brand spankin' new un-opnend or used IF extras are included. There are people trying to sell them for $400 stock-$600 but if you notice they are getting no bids.

I'd get myself a Motu 2408 MKii in the $200-$350 range if I knew it would work on my if RME cards would drop in eBay land I'd be set...
Thanks Wade.

Nosferous, the delta 1010s on ebay going for $250 are the delta 1010LT. This is the daddy 1010. The one with the better housed converters.
Nope, in the last month I've seen at least 2 delta 1010 (breakout box and all) go for 1 went for $250 and another for $255 (not including shipping on either of the two auctions) I unfortunately had NO free cash at those times- and damn those were some steals