Delta 1010 monitoring w/ external mixer


New member
I recently purchased a Soundcraft M12 mixer, and I'm planning on getting a Delta 1010. I'm having problems figuring out how I would set things up for recording and monitoring. I have a DMP3, that I can use and that should be no problem. I can go;
mic -> DMP3 I/O -> 1010 I/O -> M12 line in.
With my monitors connected to the main outs on the mixer, I can monitor the signal coming from the output on the 1010 during recording and playback. I run into problems when I need to use the preamps on the M12.

If I go;
mic -> M12 mic in -> pre-fade direct out -> 1010 I/O -> ???
Where do I go from here? I can't go back into the channel's line input on the M12 without creating a feedback loop.

The only thing I can think of is using seperate channels on the mixer for playback. For example, if I'm using the preamps on channels 1-8, could I run the outputs on the 1010 to the line inputs on channels 9-16 and simply mute them during recording, and then unmute them during playback? Other than being rather extraneous...would that work?