Deleting songs in Cakewalk


New member
Hi all:

I am using Sonar 2.0XL.

I need to complete a couple of entire songs from my computer, now that they are complete.

What is the easiest way to delete all remnants of a song?



I find the Clean Audio tool to work just fine.

I assume these are project files (.cwp)? If so, manually delete the project file through Windows Explorer (make sure to empty the recycle bin after doing this). Then open Sonar, but don't load any files. Go to Tools > Clean Audio and follow the prompts. That will get rid of all the associated wave files.

P.S. You might want to consider backing up to a bundle file (.cwb) first and dropping it on a CD. You never know when you might want the original tracks again.

I don't know if they are Bundle files or not. I did not do anything specifically to create them.

My technique was to open an empty file and just start recording tracks. Does Sonar automatically create a Bundle for each "song" when saved for the first time?

Thanks as always.

Generally if you didn't do anything special, they are most likely project files.

To create a bundle file you need to do a "save as" and specify the bundle (.cwb) format.

One easy way to tell is to go into Windows Explorer and do a search on all hard drives for *.cwb. If it doesn't find anything, you don't have any bundle files.

The major difference between a bundle file and a project file is that the bundle contains the audio, whereas the project file only contains "pointers" to where the audio is located. If you were to make a copy of a project file and load it on another machine, you would have no actual audio. Whereas, if you made a copy of a bundle file and loaded it on another machine, you would have your complete song (including audio).

For that reason, when making a backup, you should use the bundle format.

As I suggested to you, I would make a backup of all my Sonar songs in bundle format and drop them on a CD (assuming you have a CD burner). Then delete the project files as I described.