Delay in recording???????


New member
K i have an SM57 Micing my JCM 2000 DSL full stack... guitarist is playing into CEP VIA a Delta 44 with breakout box... sounds great while palying but upon play back it seems like there is some timing problems caused by the computer or hardware? what causes this delay?? what settings should be set??
calmlikeabom said:
K i have an SM57 Micing my JCM 2000 DSL full stack... guitarist is playing into CEP VIA a Delta 44 with breakout box... sounds great while palying but upon play back it seems like there is some timing problems caused by the computer or hardware? what causes this delay?? what settings should be set??

Firstly, I had this same problem and didn't know what to do about it and thought that it was my sound card, so I went out and bought me a better one. However, this was not the case. I still had jumps and skips that were happening and yes, even delays.... I found that when I was running it in a previous version of windows 9x that it would run smoothly, so I thought "Aah, Ha!. It's the driver. So, all I had to do was to go to the manufactors website and download an updated version of the drivers for that particular operating system. "Now it works wonderfully".

Hope this helped,

I have the same problem....I think everything is okay while I"m recording but when I play multiple tracks back they're all off timing...

I guess I'll look into the soundcard drivers.....
dudes, ever heard of latency?
Use direct monitoring if your card support this.

Most software monitoring wil ALWAYS have delay (the latency problem) but these can be so low (like under 30 ms) so it won't sound like delay at all.. but you will have the 'fattening' effect, which sux too.
some audio programs respont on latency, they return playback a little later. check the options or whatever to adjust this. it's a matter of experimenting.