Delay in recording


New member
Obviously I am using cubase, 5 to be more specific. When I try to record in it, I am getting a major delay. My latency is high, 45, is that my whole problem or am I overlooking something simple? I am just making the move to digital hard disk recording, but I am a database administrator, so I understand the computer end, just not the two together. I just need a little guidance.
exactely where is the delay occuring?
I myself have had quite a few "audio+midi => synth & mixer => recording console" problems which I've taken care of now...
in cubase, go to Options>Audio Setup>Monitoring. Select "global disable" from the available options. This should resolve your delay problem.

What type of sound card are u using? If you are using an ASIO driver, you may have the option of adjusting your DMA buffer size. The smaller the buffer, the less latency you should have. Caveat is that too small a buffer will result in pops & clicks during recording. It's a trial & error kind of thing. I have a delta 66 which allows this adjustment.
i had this problem too, as it turns for some reason the full duplex was not on.... i don't exactly remember how i fixed it, i did it kinda by accident, but i'm pretty sure its in audio setup some where... a mate of mine gave me all sorts of buffer advice etc. but it was just some sort of full duplex option.