Dehaze (progfunkrock)


New member
Hi! I'm doing a bedroom-produced album with my band (Dehaze). Didn't have any experience with recording/mixing before, so I learned a lot since we started recording. This is the first track of seven that's finished: Pegasus. I'll post more tracks as soon as they're done!

Well, what do you think :D?
Weak in the low end of the rhythm section. Nice way to say the drums and bass are not working in any way for me. Guitar tone is thin and not doing what it should (especially with the quite good playing given). Vocals are cool but completely out of context with the music, which as already stated is not where it needs to be IMO.

If I were mixing this, I would first start with the drums and bass. They sound lost in a tunnel. What is that about? If that is the sound you are after, then tame the hell out of the vocals and get a good guitar tone that works for the song. None of this is working together at this point. The performance is there but none of it is jelling as a unit. I hope you are not working to find something that way.

The vocal harmonies are cool but again completely distant from the rest of the tune, which has no flow. Many 'holes' in the mix to my ears. Sucks because it could be so cool.

Nice tune and playing, but none of it is working together to sound good in my opinion. Maybe I am just a dumbass.

Oh yeah, I may be a dunbass. :D
By the way, after 6 months and you post a Youtube video without response to previous comments about your mix...You are likely not to get much love here. Looks like bad spam to me dood.