Deep Purple In Rock: guitar sound?

Most certainly Strat though I bow to MCI2424's take on the 335. I believe thats true also. I saw them before this and it was a 335 on everything till this record. I believe there is an extra stage in the treble on these Marshalls and an extra preamp tube. Jimmy Page did the same around this time (saw it myself...long story)... Marshalls are Made in the Empire.... Some are prepped for American release only and these are the ones without the multi-voltage transformers in them....And unfortunatly the PC boards and not hand wired.....This will affect the sound a bit..................
Btw I`m not a 100% sure on this but I`m pretty certain Ritchie also used a Gibson 335 around that time, it wasent untill after that record he became a all Strat.
I know he used the strat on numerous tracks, but I`m certain a 335 was in there as well.
I`m almost certian Child in time is 335.

I think I also read somewere that Ian paice was a student of Jim Marshall, And Marshall were at theire early stages when Deep Purple was formed.
And that Jim asked Ritchie for opinions on the amps, so he could be playing on custom made Marshalls.

Last I think he allways played the on 10n in volume, and used his volume control on the guitar to set gain levels.

I thought this album in its entirety was the last one done with the 335, and then he switched to Strat for the next album, Fireball. Meh, whatever the case, Child in Time has one of the sweetest guitar tones of all time, so I'm in love with the 335 :D

Oh, and btw, In Rock is one of the greatest albums ever made.