decisions decisions


New member
hey guys, i need a little input from everyone.
I was approved for both a 2000 dollar loan from Mac
and a 1500 Dollar Loan From Dell.

I was wondering which one you guys think i should go with, and the best way, in your opinion, to spend the money. I'm looking for an all around workhorse computer, dedicated to my protools setup(digi002r). I do audio, and i might venture into midi one day..but not right now. just lemme know your thoughts.
If you use the computer for just recording, then go for mac. protools or DP would satisfy all your requirements using that mac. IF you want to use the computer for almost everything, go for PC, but instead of buying that cheap made DELL, get a better solid PC with your own configuration fro half the price of dell through other builders like (you may not get the loan though) Lets hear what others say. Good Luck!
i dont like loans

but if you have to. i'd go pc. but go for a white box clone.
2 7200 rpm hard drives
512 ddr ram.
should get you 48 tracks.
do you need a stereo sound card ? or multi input ?
or if you want to save money
a used duron 1.3ghz might do the job cheaply.
for software thats under 100 bucks. all the demoes are at
n track, powertracks,traktion, etc etc
Take a look at the digidesign site. They provide detailed specs on which Mac or PC to use. The most important thing is to purchase a known setup that will reduce potential bugs, glitches, etc. I would also suggest that you make your choice based on the hardware you currently use for everyday computing. If you are familiar with Apple, by a Mac; If not, buy a PC. It takes a while to get an intuitive grasp of where to look when troubleshooting a computer problem, audio or otherwise. And, if you have this knowledge base, use it. I would also try to avoid brand new computer models and operating systems. The first ones produced by any given manufacturer often have bugs that get sorted out over time, and I would prefer to not be a part of the sorting-out process. So, for example, if you go for a Mac, I would think twice about jumping fro the lastest G5 with OSX-Panther (or pussycat, or mountainlion, or whaterver they call this month's operating system!).
hey guys, i talked to paul from sweetwater..and decided to go with an apple g4 power mac with 512 memory upgrade (plus the original 256) and an internal 7200 80 gig 2nd hard drive. I think this was the best decision for me because i'm running protools and it would make the most sense to run it on a mac, and i'm only using the computer for recording. thanks for your input guys.