Decided to go to FULLSAIL..


New member
Okay I know what your saying butt... Before you jump to conclusions read.. I am going to fly down there on the 9th to check them out but I am going to enter into their animation program.. I fell as if the majority of this board is right in saying their recording arts program isnt worth it becuase Sound engineers make nothing unless your working on either movies for company's or have your own studio with a large list of clientel.. SOOO.... Since a starting average animator's salary is 45k a year.. I have been drawing since I was little and have won numerous art awards and scholarships to attend school a while back when I graduated, I went the stupid route though and chose to go to the military.. BUT.. I will attend the animation program, hopefully get a decent Job down south and build my home studio peice by peice.. I am still reading 2 books and trying to take in as much knowledge as possible..

Well, Tell me what you guys think of my slightly Altered plan... Sound good or am I setting myself up for failure..?
Thirst said:
Well, Tell me what you guys think of my slightly Altered plan... Sound good or am I setting myself up for failure..?

The only way you are setting yourself up for failure is by altering your plan based on what a bunch of nobodies on a website told you to do.

Whatever you do, just decide, and go for it dude. It's your life. You already know how to do a lot of what you need to know about making the style of music you like. Just get it heard and go forward.
That sounds better then taking audio classes but have you checked the job market for animators? I'm not saying it's bad but what I little I know of the industry is that most of it is done oversees. Fox had an animation studio here in town but they shut it down pretty quickly because they lost their shorts. The video game market would probably be your best bet. Here's a cool site in regards to that They usually have a few want adds up for 3D modellers.
You can do both, anyways...

Tex is kinda right about the overseas bit, but I wasn't so aware it on the economic end, and maybe now, with the glut of animators, graphic designers, etc, no need to export the work cuz the folks can be had on the cheap & hella hungry here. I was under the impression that if that kind of work was being completed overseas for a U.S. client, that it was pretty much because of the style of the shit that particulary agency produced. A lot of work follows the artist or agency, especially for stuff like tv commercials. Films is a bit different (depending on the scale), and music videos fall somewhere in between. Guess I can't really speak on the gaming end, though. I worked for an ad agency in Stuttgart, Germany doing 3d animation and fx for tv & film, and about 35% of the work was from stateside & other non-German clients. Even throughout the shitty unemployment over there, there was a pretty big demand for skilled operators & such, particularly operating upper echelon software (read: hi-tech problem solvers). Can't speak a whole lot for today, that was in '96 or so. A very cool field, but only if you really give a shit about, it in my opinion. The only serious demand I remember seeing then was for cats who knew how to use some pretty specialized shit like Softimage, maybe electric image, or what's now 3ds max, or stuff like Flame, Flint, and Inferno for fx & compositing and the like. Aside from that, the ol' get-in-where-you-fit-in rules apply. Whoops, guess that's kinda off topic. Anyway, the job market is tight in most fields, if not all, period. Look at all the commercials on tv for trade schools promising to teach you how to be a graphic designer/animator/video editor/game designer, and so on. Used to be truck driving schools when I was a kid.

Goto school for whatever you want, just don't base your decision on what starting salaries are for what's "supposed" to be your life choice. Cracking that nut on the animation tip is really no different than the audio end. Seriously good animators are hard to come by. Have fun & Good luck.

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