Decent earplugs in Toronto


New member
Does anyone know of a retailer in the GTA that carries Hearos or ER-20s or some similar type of musician's earplug? Or somewhere online that sells those items from Canada? The shipping and duty charges from the U.S. are extreme...
I checked them all, and no luck.

Does anyone know of a web site that sells them within Canada?
If you set up and run your gear correctly there is no reason that you would ever need earplugs.
ocnor said:
If you set up and run your gear correctly there is no reason that you would ever need earplugs.

Every play a live gig?

Anyways these guys are located in Mississauga. Maybe they can help?

Failing that I might be able to ask my father if he has any good sources as he sells ummm... sporting goods that you might need ear plugs with....

He's out of town now, so I can't ask until Monday.

Let me know.
vestast said:
Every play a live gig?

I've only been playing live gigs for the past 27 years. I have never worn earplugs and never will. If your ears ring at the end of the night then you are doing something wrong.
And for hardcore or intense independent bands? Death Metal or other extreme high decibel intense music. Using earplugs helps create a more unified soundwave to my ears everytime I've jammed or performed with a band of this sort, as a drummer. And as a guitarist it helped me a few times. Yet since you feel like something is done wrong, could you share? It sounds interesting not being sarcastic, I feel like maybe your talking positioning guitar cabs and stage monitors a certain way for everyone or other nuances. Share bro.
I guess you're not a drummer ocnor. Thanks anyway for the "words of wisdom" that in no way addressed my question.

vestast said:
Anyways these guys are located in Mississauga. Maybe they can help?
They're actually a little more hard-core than I'm looking for (and pricey, to boot!) What appeals to me about the Hearos et. al. is that they're cheap enough to be replaceable, but they don't muffle the sound as badly as the cheap foam earplugs. Maybe your dad knows of something similar in Canada.
look in the phone book under Audiologists, or Ear Care, or some such thing.

there were tons of places here in Vancouver, you just have to know that it's ear specialists that make musician's earplugs, not retailers.

edit: ah, i see you want the cheap non-custom-made stuff. sorry about that. i tried some ER-20's for a while (imported from US, really not that expensive) and they were ok, but nowhere near the quality of my custom ER-15's I now use. if i were you i would just bite the bullet and get molded plugs - you're still going to want them eventually anyway.
bleyrad said:
nowhere near the quality of my custom ER-15's I now use. if i were you i would just bite the bullet and get molded plugs - you're still going to want them eventually anyway.

I got some, and they don't stop much sound, 33db foam earplugs are way better
at least compared to mine, which costed 80$
The whole point of musician's earplugs is that they don't SOUND like they're doing much when in fact they are. Foam earplugs take so much more off the top end than the rest of the spectrum that we're used to hearing the highs roll off so much whenever we're protecting our ears, that it seems like the ER-15's aren't doing much of anything. But you soon notice that it stops ear drum compression and potential damage from occuring. No more ringing ears after a rock concert. Just takes enough off to get things to a safe level - no more.
I can't imagine in any normal daily music situation where you'd need more attenuation to be safe, unless maybe you're a metal band practicing in a concrete bunker with a stupidly harsh PA system. In which case I would just say go for the ER-25's, which will still sound a million times better than foam plugs.
They are not meant to create any kind of peace and quiet, only protect your ears in dangerous situations.
some poser gave me a bad rep point with a comment about being an asshole and was too much of a pussy to leave his name. If you want to disagree with me then at least have the balls to do it out in the open.
DM1 said:
Does anyone know of a retailer in the GTA that carries Hearos or ER-20s or some similar type of musician's earplug? Or somewhere online that sells those items from Canada? The shipping and duty charges from the U.S. are extreme...

The audiologist I went to to get my ER-15s.


Marshall Chasin , M.Sc., Aud(C), Audiologist
Musicians’ Clinics of Canada
#440-340 College St.
Toronto, Ontario M5T 3A9
(416) 96-MUSIC
(416) 966-9288