decent compressor for drums and vocals


New member
hi, im new here. ive been working on my home studio and im looking to get a compressor for under 200 dollars. the ones ive been looking at are the dbx 266xl, presonus bluemax, and the behringer t1952 tube compressor. i would use it mainly to record my drums and possibly vocals and guitar/ bass. can any one here point me in the right direction?
ez_willis said:
Pointing you away from the 266xl would be a great start.

It's pricetag is extremely inviting, but avoid it.

I second that comment.
Bought 2 of them, and ended up giving them to someone doing a start up studio.
They sound plain crappy. The Alesis ones are better and thats not saying much.

I say the rnc, or maybe an ART VLA.
I second the ART PRO VLA. It's out of your budget, but it's worth looking into... I find it to have a really nice sound, and the compression is gentle. :)
TravisinFlorida said:
vu, x, xt, or a?

A, X and the vintage unit. Not too fond of the XT.

I've been told DBX uses alot of the same circutry in the 160 that they have in the SSL 9000J dynamics section. Just a side note.
Big Kenny said:
I have the rnc, rnla and the dbx 160A. They are all good the dbx gets the most use
you'll see the dbx 160a/x/xt in many racks/equipment lists in well established studios. great for kick and snare (also bass and some vocals).
I love rnc on vox, accoustic stuff, and guitar cabs. I've never used it on drums, but I HATE it for bass. I have tried it every which way you can think of, including the hints on fmr's website, but to me it makes my bass sound like a tuba. YMMV and all that.
I second the ART PRO VLA. It's out of your budget, but it's worth looking into...

not necessarily...they can be had for $250 or so new, and even less used - although it seems not many people are giving theirs up