Death Metal Grindcore Mix anyone?


Poser Roaster
HAILZ Long time no see everyone. I finally started composing and recording again after a few months of no action. I guess thats how it comes in inspirational spurts eh?

Anyway, I am always practicing mix work and have some material to be sampled. Please, any advice is accepted and appreciated.

Little dose of brutality to start your morning.
Dude, very cool. I'd love to hear more of the drums. They sound a bit tame for the rest of the tune. Not the playing, just that they are a bit quieter. When they slow down, the kick could really shine. No real critique, as the song is pretty cool. Very fast. Good playing.

I also lived in Eureka for a while as a kid, and I think Grandpa lived in Yucaipa for some time. :D
Thanks for the feedback. I think I need to work on the EQ of the guitars in the mix a bit as well. Any suggestions for bringing the kick out in those parts?