DAW Users With ADD

The biggest issue seems to be the countertops. Measuring today (Monday), but not installing until a week from Wed. Not quite sure why that takes so long.

Depends on the material. Concrete should be over a week to build the molds, pour, dry, and treat... Marble, quartz, granite take a while to cut correctly...mistakes are costly. Tiles and traditional laminate over wood should take less time, and there'd be no delay starting. Stainless steel can be done in an afternoon, but is usually ordered from one of a few manufacturing places, so shipping can take some time. I'm assuming you are working with one of the first two types (concrete or cut stone).
Depends on the material. Concrete should be over a week to build the molds, pour, dry, and treat... Marble, quartz, granite take a while to cut correctly...mistakes are costly. Tiles and traditional laminate over wood should take less time, and there'd be no delay starting. Stainless steel can be done in an afternoon, but is usually ordered from one of a few manufacturing places, so shipping can take some time. I'm assuming you are working with one of the first two types (concrete or cut stone).

Going there Thurs for what they call templating. I’m assuming this is where they decide, with my input, where to cut the pieces out of the slab. Then delivery and installation is the following Wednesday.

Plumbing is the following day. Pretty much a done deal after that. Probably some detail stuff, but at least I’ll have a working kitchen at that point. Say hallelujah!
My kitchen is so bad your old one was probably better.
I actually had a couple people ask me what was wrong with your old one.

It certainly wasn’t a disaster, but the cabinets were really dated, the countertops were Formica and had chips and cuts in it. Dishwasher was starting to rust out. Faucet needed replacement.

I probably could have lived with it a few more years, but who knows if I’d have the money to do it then. Plus I’d be 75 and wouldn’t have much time left to enjoy it. So I bit the bullet.

More money than I wanted to spend in the end, but what else was I gonna do with it? Leave it to my kids. :eek:
Go Brewers, lets win the beer series. Going from Miller Park to Coors Field.

---------- Update ----------

BTW, how cool is it when your team is named after guys who make beer?
I listen to Chicago sports radio once in a while and they still insist the Cubs are better than everyone else in the NL.

I think Bill Parcels had it right when he said, “You are what your record says you are.”

Yankees now gone and all I’m left with is Rutgers and the Giants. It ain’t fair, I tell ya! :mad:
Mother nature is playing a joke on us...Horrific storm: named Michael: Due the weekend of the 13th of October: Don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Mother nature is playing a joke on us...Horrific storm: named Michael: Due the weekend of the 13th of October: Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I saw. This one’s coming at you by land. Should knock down the winds a bit, but you certainly don’t need more water. Good luck mi amigo. :(
Yeah, the mosquitoes are already bigger than I've ever seen. There are plagues of frogs and fish and water and other insects...one more and I'll think we're in Biblical Egypt...lol

On the bright side, I got the yard cleaned up from the last one yesterday...So, yeah! I've still got my sense of humor (horrid as it may be at times).
Actually, my finances have leveled off to the point that I ordered my new computer for the studio two days ago...should be here within the week. Let's hope this one goes better than the last one I ordered from CyberPower. CyberPower is no friend of mine...long story.

New one has dual quad core processors, 32GB memory and 4TB HD/512GB SSD. Ordered it with Win 7 and after I download all the programs (Reason/Reaper/Amplitube/plugins/Antares/SSD) it will never see the internet again. Build a stable computer and then LEAVE IT ALONE...lol There will have to be a major breakthrough in recording software for me to go back in and change things.

Michael was not very much here, but Mexico Beach is pretty much off the map. Loved a lot of the memes about it, though...people using Michael Jackson/Meyers/Jordon, etc to make things humorous.
There will have to be a major breakthrough in recording software for me to go back in and change things.

Recordimg software has been able to do everything I’ve needed it to do for at least the last ten years, if not longer. I upgraded to Sonar X3 in 2013 or 2014, mostly because for $50 it was hard to pass up. (It also made use of 64 bit OS.)

Good luck with the new ‘puter and glad you dodged a bullet with Michael.

I’m having some issues with my quartz countertops. They appear to have been measured or cut wrong. So they are not “true” to the cabinets they sit on. It’s not horribly off, but for the money they charge, I should not have to accept “close.” I have a conference on Monday with the general contractor and the countertop people. So far they seem unwilling to fully admit there’s a problem, let alone address it. Hard to believe they use a $50k instrument to laser measure this stuff, and you still get “pilot error.”
I’m having some issues with my quartz countertops. They appear to have been measured or cut wrong. So they are not “true” to the cabinets they sit on. It’s not horribly off, but for the money they charge, I should not have to accept “close.” I have a conference on Monday with the general contractor and the countertop people. So far they seem unwilling to fully admit there’s a problem, let alone address it. Hard to believe they use a $50k instrument to laser measure this stuff, and you still get “pilot error.”

:eek: how far off are we talking? Try to remember that almost all construction lives on a 10% work, 90% covering up basis...if the GC has something in mind that makes 1/2" error okay, then it's okay. The only difference is that YOU know it's there...a lot of brand new homes have huge errors that are just mudded/caulked/backsplashed over. Been there, played that. I was a roofer/framer in the day, so it wasn't ever "perfect", but you want the lines of tiles/shakes/whatnot to LOOK like they are in straight lines, even if they aren't. Natural shakes were the worst, because there's no "perfectly cut" cedar. lol
We had one job where the framer (not me) had measured 14" exactly between top and bottom of the studs. When he got to the door, plumb was off over 4 degrees! You can't go back and fix the whole wall section...
:eek: how far off are we talking? Try to remember that almost all construction lives on a 10% work, 90% covering up basis...if the GC has something in mind that makes 1/2" error okay, then it's okay. The only difference is that YOU know it's there...a lot of brand new homes have huge errors that are just mudded/caulked/backsplashed over. Been there, played that. I was a roofer/framer in the day, so it wasn't ever "perfect", but you want the lines of tiles/shakes/whatnot to LOOK like they are in straight lines, even if they aren't. Natural shakes were the worst, because there's no "perfectly cut" cedar. lol
We had one job where the framer (not me) had measured 14" exactly between top and bottom of the studs. When he got to the door, plumb was off over 4 degrees! You can't go back and fix the whole wall section...

The main issue is the counters on the left and right of the stove. From front to back they’re off about 3/8”. In otherwords the overhang at the front is 3/8” but but the time it gets to the bsck there’s a 3/4” overhang. That’s on the left, the right side is the opposite. The overhang is larger in the front and in the back there is no overhang at all and the top of the base cabinet is exposed slightly. Interestingly the stove opening between these pieces stays the same at 30” both front and back. So the error is consistent between both pieces. Which leads me to believe there was a measurement issue somewhere. So what you end up with is a stove opening that is 90 degrees at the cabinet level, but something other than 90 degrees at the countertop level - meaning the stove will slide in crooked, or cocked somewhat.

At this point the stove has not been put in place. And to your coverup point, it MAY not be too noticeable once it is. It very obvious now, because the “line” of the countertop does not match the line of the cabinet sides. However, with the stove in place, you won’t see the cabinet sides, so it may look ok.

That’s probably the plan for Monday. We’ll put the stove in and see what it looks like. It galls me to maybe have to accept this kind of work for this kind of money, but it could be the lesser of all evils. Ripping it all out and starting over comes with it’s own set of problems. Plus it will delay me getting my kitchen back - which has been over 3 weeks already. Once this is setlled, all thats left is a day for the plumbing. After thst, aside from painting and cosmetic stuff, I’m back in business.

Shoot me please if I ever decide to this again (which at 70 is not likely anyway :eek: ).