DAW for Vocal Editing

If you mean literally "editing" have a look at Adobe Audition. It's primarily marketed as an "audio editor" rather than for music creation.

...and it works. It's used by radio stations all over the world for editing--including several thousand licenses at the BBC in the UK.

There's a downloadable 28 day trial available on the Adobe site.
Hi Way95,

I do a lot of vocal recording and editing. I use Reaper for most of it, and for certain things like fixing p-pops, or little clicks, etc. I use an "external" audio editor, in my case, Adobe Audition. You can do just about anything you need to do in Reaper though. I have just gotten used to using an external editor and never un-learned;). Of course there are lots of external editors these days that are less expensive that Adobe Audition, such as WavePad or even the free Audacity.

Hope that helps.

I've heard many people use Reaper and like it. I've used Cubase, Logic, Pro Tools and Reason. I'm happy wth the PT & Reason, but that's my personal preference.