Dava Picks, anyone use 'em?


New member
Recently an aquaintance of mine was over for a late night jam and he went on and on about this pick and then i set up my rig to get his opinion on it and he ended up forgetting one of these dava picks and i've been playing with it and i have to say it's been the most comfortable/playable pick i've ever used.
I almost want to believe my aquaintance when he said his technique was shit before these picks because i feel mine has stepped up since playing with it...
I tried them when they first came out. I really didn't like them - they felt gimmicky to me, and all of the supposed "benefits" seemed like more trouble than it was worth.

For those unfamiliar with the design, the idea is they're a pretty "heavy" pick (I forget, probably in the 2.0mm range), but the middle of the pick, halfway up the point, gets quite a bit thinner, up to maybe Fender medium territory. So, their marketing spin is, it's like having multiple picks in one - you can hold it near the base and have it respond like a thinner pick, or choke up and have it respond like a heavier pick.

In practice, it works quite a bit less well - constantly choking up on or releasing the pick is sort of a hassle of you're trying to play fairly fast lines, and my personal experience was that the tonal change wasn't really there - most of the difference in sound between a thin pick or a thick pick, for me, really seems to come from the point, where most of the pick's "flex" occurs.
haven't tried those, but I swore by Jazz III's for years until I discovered V-Picks. Now I have trouble playing with anything else-- they feel flimsy by comparison. I use "screamers", "medium rounded" and "psychos"
they have multiple designs and i don't think the one i'm using matches your description but i think its their jazzgrip one. http://www.davapick.com/

Ahh, weird. I was thinking of the Control picks, which I was seriously underimpressed by.

I guess my next question would be, have you spent much time playing with "jazz" sized picks, previously? They're pretty much all I've used for about the last, geez, maybe 8 years...? I remember having a similar reaction when I first switched - the sharper point and smaller shape seemed to help my control.

I've been using Dunlop Tortex "pure black" or "black gold" or some such name picks for the few years - they're like regular Tortex picks, just black, and thus cooler. :D I go back and forth between the guages that are normally red and green.
I gotta agree with Drew about the Dava Control picks. I had a couple and the solid color versions were better than the later dual color versions which just seemed flimsy to me.

I've never really found a "gimmick" pick I like. The Star picks (picks with a star hole in the middle) felt really weird. Like using a bread bag fastener. My fav's are Fender Red Clears Heavy and Fender White Logo Extra Heavy for bass.