DAT vs. Minidisc for field recording, specifically D8 vs. Sharp 24bit MD recorders


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Hope that reads ok
I've been using a sharp minidisk recorder for many years and after many hours, it's just about fallen apart, splayed.

Still, I was very happy with it, and it lasted far longer than I expected it to, considering the travel, wear, and drops inflicted upon it.

So the time has come to get a new field and demo recording unit and could use some guidance from you good folk.

I've been offered a virtually new Sony D8 dat recorder for a price lower than the new minidisc recorder would cost me and was planning to buy that, however, i am also aware of new Sharp (DR7/DR480) 24 bit minidisk recorders, and was wondering if anyone here has any advice.

the plusses of getting another minidisk is the vast repository of demos and song scraps i already have on minidisk and need to access on a fairly regular basis.

the plusses (i think), of getting the D8 is that some of the magic moments i captured on minidisk could have been released if only they were of a higher fidelity.

has anybody ever done a head to head against the D8 and the new Sharp minis? any words of caution about either unit be it build, headlife, glitches, etc?

Thanks for reading, and as always, help warmly appreciated.
Yo Dave of the Sea:

From reading your post, I might suggest you buy both units. Since you have so much recorded on the mini. But, you were right about the fidelity being less on the mini. I have the MD8 and used that until I got the 2816.

I've talked to a good friend who has much experience in the recording business and he has done stuff recorded on DAT and the results were very good. He is kind of retired from recording but still does gigs down in Florida where he spends the snow months of Michigan. I had him in my studio a couple of times and it was like I got a 500 lesson in overdubbing and techniques each time.

I don't have a DAT but what kind of results would you get by running your minidisc stuff into the DAT? I have the 8 track MD. Are you working with a two tracker?

Reason I ask is that I've remastered stuff done on my old Tascam 488, 8 track tape, and although I only had the two stereo tracks to work with, the 16 bit sound sounded just great.

Well, I hope this gives you some thinking room.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Green Hornet:rolleyes: :D :p :D
hey-yo Green Hornet :)
the minidisk stuff i recorded was on a $14 microphone that i got from radio shack (and actually still really enjoy). but i'm going to either get an audio technica 822 or a core sounds binaural microphone set to round out this setup and enhance the fidelity of the next recordings i make while retaining the atmosphere.

i'll be recording demos, bits of songs and whatever else catches my ear while i'm touring, travelling, and even at home, so the deck and mic will probably see the beach, mountains, and country as well as various living rooms and clubs.
in other words, it will get used a lot.

i suppose i could get both the minidisk and the dat, but getting a new minidisk on top of a d8 seems redundant. on the other hand, i'd feel better having a $250 minidisc recorder slip out of my hand onto a rock than a $600 dat recorder, you know?

You don't have any experience with either of the microphones i mentioned above, do you?

Yo Dave: [You know, "SeaOwl" might make a good name for a thunky tune?]

I have not worked with the mics you mentioned.

I'm using an AKG 3000 as my main vocal mic; I have an Elvis mic from Shure that decorates the studio mostly and another mic or two somewhere in the debris of my studio.

Well, have fun traveling and recording. Go where it's warm.

Green Hornet:rolleyes: :D :p :D