cymbal bashers


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Why do people bash cymbals?

What do you guys have against cymbals?

What did they do to you?

I'm not against cymbals! In fact I like them. I do have a problem with drummers who seem to think cymbals are ment to be hit with enough force to crack the liberty bell again. I'm not a cymbal basher, I'm all in favor of cymbals, I just wish more drummers knew how to play them. The drummers who pound the hell out of cymbals are cymbal bashers, cymbal crashers and cymbal trashers.
Cymbals are like women, caress them and they will make sweet sounds.
there's only one way to cure cymbal bashing in the studio...

and that's to make the drummer do his takes over and over and over and over again until he doesn't hit too hard

and tell him between every take that he's gotta do it over again because he hit the cymbals too fucking hard

also make sure to remind him that playing to record isn't like jamming out in a noisy bar - the mics pick up all the sounds in the room juuuuuuuuuuust fine, so even a little bitty smack will do

while i'm at it, i usually also give them the speech about focusing more on their dynamics and tone then how hard they're hitting shit, but it's rare that any attention is paid
seriously,'s all dynamics, dynamics, dynamics

point out the fact that the "heavy" or "loud" parts won't sound either if you're hitting everything as hard as you can the whole time...this goes for the rest of the kit as well

i recorded a guy a couple weeks ago who insisted, 1st of all, that i mic'ed his entire 9-piece kit(2 kicks, 2 snares, 5 toms + various cymbals) in my tiny, tiny, TINY drum room. then he proceeded to flail all over the kit like a monkey, making everything sound like shit and getting off-time on top of it. then he wondered why i told him later that it's all going to have to be re-tracked, therefore wasting more of my precious time
my name is greg, and im a cymbal basher. i dont mean to be, but sometimes it just gets away from me. i do a lot of rehearsing, gigging, and general playing on my own, so it sometimes takes a few takes before i can get into 'record' drum mode.
Greg_L said:
my name is greg, and im a cymbal basher. i dont mean to be, but sometimes it just gets away from me. i do a lot of rehearsing, gigging, and general playing on my own, so it sometimes takes a few takes before i can get into 'record' drum mode.

Thanks for sharing. Acknowledgement is the first step in the healing process.
EdWonbass said:
Thanks for sharing. Acknowledgement is the first step in the healing process.
thanks. im on my way. ive never had any type of training or lessons. i just learned to play the drums all on my own because it seems that everyone needs a drummer, so im sure there are tons of things im doing wrong.
God there are WAY too many serious posts in this thread......thats what teh other thread is for damnit.

HI GREG.....

Hi, my name is Matt and I'm not even a drummer, but I'm concerned about the general state of cymbal bashing in America. Cymbals are instruments too, you know. They have feelings.
MCreel said:
God there are WAY too many serious posts in this thread......thats what teh other thread is for damnit.

HI GREG.....

Hi, my name is Matt and I'm not even a drummer, but I'm concerned about the general state of cymbal bashing in America. Cymbals are instruments too, you know. They have feelings.
i know and ive been very insensitive to their feelings. i feel so ashamed and dirty. you know what else? i never clean them either. theyre not all pretty and shiny anymore. theyre dirty, and dingy, and ive been bashing the hell out of them. im such a pig. i need help. :eek: :p
Greg_L said:
i know and ive been very insensitive to their feelings. i feel so ashamed and dirty. you know what else? i never clean them either. theyre not all pretty and shiny anymore. theyre dirty, and dingy, and ive been bashing the hell out of them. im such a pig. i need help. :eek: :p

Changing your behavior is difficult. If your actions are affecting your musical life then maybe you should seek counseling. There are surely a number of quality musical behavior counselors in your area who will help you learnt eh proper methods of self-control. This might very well take your relationship with your cymbals to new levels.

With your help we can promote a new ideal. One that helps people recognize the inherrent value of every cymbal regardless of physical features such as bell size, or personal characteristics.

Some cymbals are brighter than others.....but they are ALL still cymbals.

God Bless America.
MCreel said:
Changing your behavior is difficult. If your actions are affecting your musical life then maybe you should seek counseling. There are surely a number of quality musical behavior counselors in your area who will help you learnt eh proper methods of self-control. This might very well take your relationship with your cymbals to new levels.

With your help we can promote a new ideal. One that helps people recognize the inherrent value of every cymbal regardless of physical features such as bell size, or personal characteristics.

Some cymbals are brighter than others.....but they are ALL still cymbals.

God Bless America.
nah, fuck it. i like bashing my cymbals. mwahahahahahahahahaaaa. :p
Hi, my name is Bob, I am a cymbal crasher co-dependant. For years I felt comfortable around cymbal crashers because I was raised in an Irish crashing family. They used to cymbal crash a little at night during the week and then get together on weekends for a three day crashing party while us kids just ran around wild. It wasn't considered a problem back then, it was just referred to as life. My Uncle David used to crash alot under the tables after the parties.

I am not a cymbal crashing addict though because I can stop at anytime. I just do it because the people I hang with and feel comfortable around are cymbal crashers. My therapists tell me I need to stop hanging around crashers but I keep going back. Hey, does anyone know where I can get some good zildjian?
I fucken hate cymbals. I get a group of friends together and bash them all the time. They are an inferior race. They are dirty, smelly, and they offer nothing to society. They should all be sent back to the factory they were made in and leave us law-abiding musicians alone.
yall are just haters. im gonna devise an entire kit consisting of nothing but cymbals. i wonder how my bass-beater would sound smacking against a 24" ping ride?