Cutting in close


New member
Hey Cubies,

a problem my cousin is having. When he tries to cut a piece of audio with the scissors, it will only cut at an increment, not anywhere in between. I hope you know what I mean. Along the top of the tracking window there are little bars. He can only cut on one of those bars. For me I can cut anywhere I place the mouse pointer. I never had to change a setting. Can't work it out. And he thinks I am the cubase guru..

Why meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Tell him to unclick the little "snap-to" button at the top of the window. It looks kind of like this, ">l<"
scrubs said:
Tell him to unclick the little "snap-to" button at the top of the window. It looks kind of like this, ">l<"

No thats to follow the project window.

Its the grid on top corner on the right.Its just better to increase the grid instead of turning it off.This way you wont accidently move the audio track and get it all messed up.
Pinachi said:
No thats to follow the project window.

Its the grid on top corner on the right.Its just better to increase the grid instead of turning it off.This way you wont accidently move the audio track and get it all messed up.

Not sure which version of Cubase you're using, but on mine, the follow icon has an arrow pointing to the right with a line down the middle, like "-T->" whereas the snap to is two carrots, pointing at a line, like ">l<"
And you can always keep snap on, and change your snap settings (i.e. Grid, Events, Bars, Beats, Use Quantize, etc.). This make will make quick work of rough edits.