custom pre chassis


New member
Working on a little project… I’m taking a channel strip from a Soundcraft TS12, taking it apart, and rackmounting the preamp and eq section.

Does anyone know where I can get a good price on an empty rackmount chassis to be machined?

Brad..Do you have Vocational High Schools where you are?
You could see if they would do it for you there! Free .You never know...

A friend of a friend owns a large computerized machine shop. The bigger question is where to get the best price on a blank rack chassis to have punched

Found this thread while googling "custom rack mount channel strip". I am looking to do the same thing with some old allen&heath channel strips. does anybody have any info?
Middle Atlantic also makes 'em, available at Parts Express. I think Digikey or Mouser sells Bud Industries as well.