custom pickgaurd cutting


New member
hey i had to cut out a piece of my pickgaurd to add a metal jack plate(like on mustangs and jaguars) so i wouldnt have to take the whole pickgaurd off to re-wire it. BUT i screwed up. what's the best way to cut a pickgaurd from a blank pickgaurd sheet? i'm guessing a router, but i didnt have one on hand, so i guess patience actaully is a virture. but what have you people done? thanks cats. later
Funny you should bring that up. I have just oredered some square pick-guards to cut myself. I haven't done any before but have a few tools I'll try. I'm doing one for an SG (that's about as hard as they come).
If you know a machinist with access to CNC equipment thats your ticktet, if not dont go to a machine shop it will cost you an arm and a leg. I have cut them out of brass, stainless steel, aluminum and plastic but I have accsess to lasers and vertical milling centers.
Low Tech

jigsaw, dremel tool, and a drum sander. If you don't have access too any of these tools, check your local yellow pages for a woodworking project supply shop like Woodcraft. In fact they have a location in Indianapolis, if tit's still there. These places sometimes have areas set up for do it yourself projects and classes. There may even be some one there who can cut the plastic for you cheap. Also check out for sheet plastic and pickguards stuff.
Don't use scissors! :D

I only said that cause daddyo had my answer. I made kind of a half assed dremel router table and did some gaurds. The only problem is at high speeds the material will melt if you're not careful.

Good luck.
I've found a router is the best way cuz it'll bevel the edges as it cuts.
Until I got my own, I'd go to a Rent shop. You know where you rent tools, lawnmowers, engine hoists, etc. Most places I've been to have a good choice and it'll work if you can't find one anywhere else.
If they have a large selection and your not sure which router to rent, ask someone and they'll advise ya on which router to use.
Good luck.