Custard Pie (Revisited)

Cymbals are too loud, they wash over everything when they come in big. You've got the big booming kick/bass going well. The guitars sound real nice. Vocals are good, though they're buried in spots. The arrangement - I'm not so gone on it. Blues....well....I'd have like to hear the chromatic run down from D worked in there somewhere along with the tripped downthestairs drum fill
1) Play with a click track. Timing is off in places.
2) Vocals are muddy and un-intelligible. Too quiet in places and too much reverb. If you really want that much reverb you can run the reverb track through a compressor and sidechain in the main vocal, so the reverb cuts out a little during the vocal phrases, and comes in full after the phrase is finished.
3) Agree with the cymbals being too loud.

That said, I like the guitar playing and vocal tone. Just some better mixing will spiff this up nicely.
I love the energy and the overall sound of this :).

Really raw and roomy...made me think of some kind of cross between Big Brother and the Holding Company and Humble Pie....or something. Anyway, very cool.

The timing was off enough in some sections to really draw attention to itself, and I wished for the vocals to be more clearly featured. The bass came through a bit too strong on my humble computer set up.

The guitar sounds are way cool. Vocals sound nice and spirited, but too buried. Cool cover! :)