Cubasis newbie needs help PLEASE

Blak Jak Balla

New member
I posted this in the Tascam forum, but I guess it could just as easily go here as well. I am totally new to all of this, so if it is a bad question please forgive me. I admit my ignorance and am only seeking counsel from those who I am certain know better!

So I bought the Tascam US-122 because I am new to computer recording and thought it might be the easiest way to get started. I have used Tascam stuff in the past and have always enjoyed it. I have a problem though, and I hope some of you might be able to help me!

When I record, the audio seems to skip, or lose tempo, or cut out for a split second or so, throwing off everything and getting things off tempo. Why does it do this? It's like the USB signal gets lost or something for a split second, but it makes the recording totally worthless. Could anyone PLEASE tell me what I am doing wrong? It happens with the included Cubasis software, and it also happens with an older version of Magix Studio that I bought a long time ago. I'm getting really discouraged and disappointed as I REALLY want this thing to work. I'm desperate for any good advice anyone might be able to give. Please spell it out for me. I'm new!

Thank you in advance!
In cubasis, when I try to record the first track, I am using a Boss BR-550 drum machine. There is a steady strong signal from it, and when I record in Cubasis, it seems to be getting the signal just fine. When I play the track back, however, it seems to get off tempo, or skip just slightly, as I tried to describe before. It is not the steady recording I used to get when recording on my old analog 4 track. There are little jumps and glitches every so often that make the final product totally unusable. I thought it might have been a software problem with Cubasis, but when I tried it in Magix it did the same thing.

I am using an E-machine T1105 running WIndows XP with an Intel Celeron processor running 1.0 ghz. I have plenty of memory and disk space. I have tried optimizing the computer per Tascam instructions, thinking maybe it was running too slow or something, but that did not help. I have disabled all background running programs and everything else I can think of. I am no expert at this sort of thing, but I have done everything I can think of at this point. I'm hoping someone here will have the answer! I'm really at your mercy.

Thanks again!
Go to and perform the recommended tweaks to your system. It will help you set it up for audio production which is very CPU intensive. If your still having trouble after that, pop back here and post if anything has changed or what it is still doing and we'll see if we can't sort it out.