Cubase Wizz's, help!


New member

I want to record my mix inside a Nuendo session. Not exporting and then back again improting the file back into the project!
But simply turn on the record and see the stereo mix infront of me recording in real time!
the way i am used to doing that is in Pro Tools. First i though it was funny, but it turned out to be a good solution! For backups, or even seeing a healthy way file with peaks! Or lack of it....

Anyway the way i do it in PT at work is i route all of the tracks to a imaginary bus, simply called bus 1-2 (being stereo). Or 63-64 for that matter!

i open a new stereo audio track i call MIX and choose input route BUS 1-2, and Output also 1-2. To avoid feedbacki must mute the track when pressing record button!
After that i also bounce tha track!

Now how the heck do i do that in Nuendo?

I read the tut. and it said you cannot route the groups that way. I woudl hate using the interface in's and out's because that is the long route around!
Also bouncing and importing is a big turn!

Any suggest's?

You propably ask why?
I inserted a external FX on a track. WOuld like the one on the track being left alone.
It's a clean guitar. Now i am in the re-amping mode!
First of all, what you are recording? You are beeing very vague here. If you are using an analogue mixer, you can run the main output to the input of your soundcard and simply create a stereo track, set the inputs, and hit record.
I have no idea what you are asking but didn't your $1000 piece of software come with a Manual?
thanks for being honest guys!

Yes my 1k$ did came with a manual, but i cant find what i am looking for so i was kindly asking here!

The situation is as follows!

No mixers, no hardware but an interface and the software N3!

I have recorded a clean track in the project! Through the Ext FX i have connected my marshall head! Everythiong plays nicely and i can adjust the sound in real time, without playing it, which is so cool!

I am wondering which are the ways to have the new, amped (or re-ampd) signal in the project?
I know i can bounce it. And then import it back to the session as a new audio track!

But i am use to having the ability to record it in the project itslef with the use of imaginary busses in PT!
I was just wondering if i can do anythign similar in Nuendo?
But seeing that Nuenod only uses hardware outputs, no imaginary/internal busses, i guess not, ha?

Still, think it is strange!
Now I understand ;)

The only way I know to do it, is to do an export of the track. Maybe someone else has a better idea.
Thought so!

I am sorry for being unclear for a moment!

It seems strange how well PT has it worked out...
never used nuendo but if it's like cubase, setup a group track. set the output for all your tracks to your new group track. arm the group track for recording and go at it.

also, make sure the group track's output is set for your desired output buss.
You can not record a group channel track in Nuendo :(
The option does not exists.
Can you do that in Cubase?
TravisinFlorida said:
never used nuendo but if it's like cubase, setup a group track. set the output for all your tracks to your new group track. arm the group track for recording and go at it.

also, make sure the group track's output is set for your desired output buss.

Dont you mean a FX buss? create a FX buss, then send your amped track to that buss and hit record, you should end up with the wet track on the FX buss seperate from your dry track.